SilentDroidd-- Cage

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A/N- Quick thing before you get into reading this part! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Seriously! 1k reads and growing every day??? I love you all to bits! And thank you for voting, it tells me that you like what I'm doing and it keeps me going on this. Not that I would stop if you didn't vote, I'm not like that! I love writing these and honestly I have ideas gushing from my brain and I'm just trying to put it all down. 

Anyhoodini, thank you! And this is getting really long but I do mean it from the bottom of my heart! Love you and happy reading!


Arlan's P.O.V.

I was going with Jonathan, Lui, and David for a night out on the town you could say. We just stopped at random places and enjoyed ourselves. We were walking on the street when Jon made a suggestion.

"Hey, I heard there was going to be this fight thing tonight. People say it's awesome to watch. I'm guessing it's like WWE or something. Would you guys be interested in going?" Lui shrugged while David nodded, I stayed quiet in the back of everyone. "So I'm guessing that's a yes?" He laughs at us and we all nod, following him down to where the fight was going to be.

We come up to this bar that has faded pink and blue neon lights, the place was called Silver Rat. We see a sign sitting out front by the main entrance. It said;

Fights, fights, and more fights! Come on in and meet our champion! Place bets, make money, enjoy. First fight at seven o'clock.

"Ready boys?" Jon asks us and we nod, heading into the bar. Instantly loud noise overtakes us, people laughing, people arguing over who will win the fights tonight, people having regular conversations. A large cage sits in the far back of the building, seats spread out around it. The clock above the bar says we have two minutes until the first fight.

We head over to get some seats, luckily getting them in the front row. David had stopped by the bar and gotten a drink while Jon had gotten some stale popcorn from a popcorn machine. People begin filling in the seats around us and the lights go dim after a while.

A spotlight shines down onto someone who is inside the cage, he has a microphone pinned to his shirt and he smiles at us. I don't like his smile, his teeth are yellow and crooked. He has two giant bushy eyebrows that sit above his dark brown eyes and casts shadows across his face, he has a little mustache to match his eyebrows as well.

"Welcome everyone! Welcome to the Silver Rat, famous for it's indoor cage fights!" He makes grand movements around the cage, enticing the people sitting down, most of the drunks cheering. "We have a group of men who decided to fight to the top and the winner will fight the champion! The winner of that, well, is going to in for a heck of a surprise!" The man cackles and there's more cheering, I hear some of the guys gasp around me but I just watch in silence.

*time skip to final male fight*

It was the last two men, they went at it. They threw kicks and punches at each other, trying to pin the other to the ground for ten seconds. It was just like a WWE fight, at least that's what I thought. A big act for everyone to enjoy. I watched the men up there and could tell they were fake fighting, pretending to get hurt, putting on a show.

Soon enough one man was pinned and couldn't get out of it in time and the first man one won. The announcer comes out with a pleased look on his face. The loser leaving the cage, looking pissed. "Well done men!" He bellows. "Now, it appears our winner is Samuel! Congrats sir, you now get to face my champion! She has never lost a fight, she is beautiful, she is smart..." He smiles proudly, I sit up straighter and listen to him. The champion is a lady? The guys around me murmur, some of them talking about how amazing she is. "Everyone welcome, my daughter... (Y/N)." I watch as she walks into the cage, a large black and red silk cape that drags on the floor around her shoulders with the word champion embroidered onto the back in red.

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