Bryce Games -- Sweet Dreams

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"There's no escape."

I bolt awake, my nightmare fades instantly from my memory. I count to ten and calm my heavy breathing. A weight shifts the bed next to me and I look over to see a sleeping Bryce. The moonlight from my open window shines upon him, making him look angelic. His strawberry blonde hair splayed out on the pillow, his mouth slightly agape. I run a hand through my hair and sigh, it's the fourth time this week I've woken up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare I can't remember. I slip out of the bed, careful to not wake Bryce and tiptoe over to my window. I take a deep breath of the cool night air and look out over the city. I feel a presence behind me and spin around to see my boyfriend. He rubs his eyes and yawns.

"What are you doing?" He mumbles sleepily. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I had another nightmare," I reply and he frowns, pulling me into a hug. His chest is warm and soothing, I bury my face in it. Bryce kisses the top of my head whilst rubbing my back in calming circles.

"Here," He releases me and closes the window and then the curtains, filling the room in darkness. He takes my hand and leads me back to bed, laying down and pulling me down on top of him, covering us in blankets. He wraps his arms around me, holding me on his chest. I curl my right arm into my chest and rest my left arm across his chest. He continues rubbing circles on my back, whispering soothing things to me.

"I love you, Bryce," I whisper after a while, feeling my eyelids grow heavy.

He holds me tighter and rubs my arm up and down. "I love you too." I look up at him from his chest to see his eyes closed and a content smile on his lips. I lean up and peck his jaw with my lips. He opens one eye and looks down at me. He pulls me up into his lips and kisses me softly. "Remember that." I nod, a shy smile on my face. I feel sleep creep up on the both of us and we fall asleep.


I'm looking out my bedroom window again when a presence appears behind me. I spin around and a shadow figure smirks evilly at me, all I see is their smile. I go to scream but nothing comes out and I'm drowned in silence. They shove me and I tumble backward, flipping out the window. I feel myself falling and the warm air rushing past me. I turn myself and face downward, my face hitting a pool of water. I open my mouth, choking on the water. I try swimming upwards but with each stroke, it takes me deeper into the water until everything is pitch black and the shadow figure's smirk appears. I suddenly can breathe again and my feet are placed firmly on a floor. It's covered in black and white tiles. A room materializes in front of me. A group of kids laugh and cheer at something I can't see. I squint and a clown materializes in front of the kids. I take a step back and my sneaker squeaks on the tile. The clown's head snaps in my direction. I scream and run for my life, the clown right behind me. I trip and fall into another pool, I can't breathe again. I feel myself drowning. The shadow figure smirks at me under the water and Bryce appears next to me.

"(Y/N! Wake up!" He cries and I feel myself shaking. I close my eyes and open them again. I'm in my room and Bryce is holding my shoulders, his faced etched with worry. It was a dream. "Oh my god, are you okay? You weren't breathing!" He grabs ahold of my face and I see tears in his eyes. I nod and he sighs in relief, pulling me into his chest and resting his back against the headboard. "I was so scared." He whispers, stroking my hair. 

"It was another nightmare," I say, moving out of his grasp and straddling him. He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"What happened?" He asks and suddenly, I can't remember a single thing about my dream. I blink a couple times and try thinking of it again but I can't. I shrug.

"I can't remember anymore." He sighs.

"Are you okay? You've never acted like that before," He looks into my eyes and I nod. "Are you sure?" I nod again, raising my hand and placing it on his cheek, rubbing my thumb along his cheekbone.

"I'm okay." I lean forward and press my forehead to his. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him. I tilt my head up slightly and kiss him, being the only way I can show him I'm alright. I need to get some melatonin from the pharmacy, maybe that'd help me sleep through the night. He brings his hands up to the back of my head and cheek, deepening my kiss,

"I don't want you to leave my arms, alright?" He breaks the kiss, continuing to hold me close. I nod again and peck his lips before getting comfortable on his lap. He doesn't take his hands off me and finally, we lay back down, content with each other's company and presence. "I love you, (Y/N)." He whispers once we're settled.

"I love you more, Bryce," I whisper back, burying my face in his neck. He rubs my thigh with his thumb and I run my hand up and down his arm. "Goodnight."

"Sweet Dreams."


Aww, redemption.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, I had recently uploaded an 'X reader' part with Ohm which turned out horribly. Finally, I was so embarrassed with it that I just deleted the whole part altogether. So, getting inspired I wrote this one, which is shorter than most but it's better than what I had so you're welcome. (^ - ^).

~Bryce~ I'm sure your old part was perfect.
*shows draft of part*
~Bryce~ Am I supposed to say it's awful?
*sniffling, tear trickles down my cheek, feelings hurt* It was just what I wanted to hear, thank you.
~Bryce~ *hugs me* You're welcome.
*wipes eyes*

Anyhoodini, leave a comment! Tell me whatcha think! I DO read them and they ALWAYS make me smile. Let it be love or hate I take it all with the greatest finesse you've ever seen! Feel free to vote if you like what I do! It helps me out to know who you like and what you want more of. I love you all!    

Peace out Everybody! Goodbye~!

Teddy Bear

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