Mini Ladd-- Alligator

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A loud thump and a crash came from your ceiling. You sighed as you knew your neighbor was back at it again, doing random shit. Usually, you didn't mind, you just let them be them and do what they got to do. But right now, you wanted to sleep. You had worked since five in the morning at the retail shop down the street cleaning, and organizing. It was an irritating job with ridiculous pay, but you put up with it. You were exhausted and to your wit's end from the annoying customers so you didn't want to deal with your neighbor tonight.

You slipped out of your bed and drag your feet out your front door, still in your pajamas. Instead of the elevator, you used the stairs to save yourself some time. You rubbed your eyes and fixed your hair so you didn't look completely dead inside. You were in just a spaghetti strap tank top and shorts of the skimpy short kind.

Finally, you had made it to their door and you gave a forceful knock. The apartment falls silent. "Sorry, be there in a second!" A male calls to you from behind the door. You hear shuffling and then it opens to show a man with a walker. He was wearing a gray quarter sleeve shirt and black sweatpants. His hair is a dirty blonde and his eyes are a greenish-brown, hidden behind a pair of glasses. "Can I help you?" He asks in a bubbly tone, blushing slightly.

You smile at his efforts to be polite. "Yes, you can actually." You begin. "I'm your neighbor, actually, I live down below you." Instantly you see his face fall as he realizes why you're there. You keep yourself from telling him off and instead try a bit of a nicer approach. "I just... I really want to sleep. I mean, I know it's not too late... wait, what time is it?"

"Nine fifty-five." He replies.

"Okay." You nod, rethinking what you were about to say. "Well, it is a bit late. But I had a rough day at work and I'm trying to sleep so could you please, please, keep it down up here and not throw stuff around?" He nods, pursing his lips.

"Definitely, sorry about that. I was flipping my walker," You raise a brow at him but don't question his antics. He smiles nervously. "I-I won't do it again, promise."

"Thank you. I'm going to go now, goodnight." You wave and head off down the hallway towards the stairs.

"Sweet Dreams!" You hear him call after you and you turn around, smiling.


"God Dammit!" Your upstairs neighbor screams and you hear it travel down your vents into your kitchen. It's been a week since you had to talk to him about being loud. You stirred your cup of coffee and sipped it. You were tired from working the night shift last night but today you had off, so you weren't as mad but something was drawing you up to his apartment to see what he could possibly he screaming about at ten in the morning.

You got dressed for the day after finishing your coffee, putting on a black and white stripped t-shirt and deep navy blue skinny jeans. You slipped a beige button lined sweater on but left it unbuttoned. Next you but on some white vans before leaving for the male's apartment, phone in hand. You had your hair put up in a messy bun, tufts of your (H/C) flowing down from it in an adorable way. You took the stairs again.

Once in front of his door, you heard another yell. "I'm getting cyberbullied!" Your neighbor cries, sounding pissed. You didn't want to be a nuisance and interrupt whatever he was doing but you had to see him again. You raised your hand slowly and knocked, your stomach knotting up.

You hear him talk quickly to someone before shuffling towards the door. He opens it and steps back in surprise when he sees it's you. "Oh hey, neighbor." He says, smiling. You feel your face heat up and you return a smile.

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