Vanoss -- Neighbors

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Many people fantasize about meeting one specific person, whether it's a YouTuber, Actor or Actress, or even a fictional character from a book or TV Show. It's a normal thing, and an evil thing at that. It almost destroys the person at times. Sometimes they even cry themselves to sleep when the longing to meet this person, to have an actual relationship with this person, gets to be too great. It's painful.

You'd gotten sucked into watching YouTube, or more specifically, gotten sucked into watching a certain YouTuber. You watched them daily, making sure to be one of the first to view their new uploads. You felt like you knew them, like you were friends with them... even though they didn't know you. You wanted to meet this certain person in real life, get to know them. There were multiple chances you could, but it never worked out and you were heartbroken. Who was this person? None other than Evan Fong or as his YouTube channel states, Vanoss Gaming.

You didn't want to admit it but you'd fallen in love with a person you'd never met. How could that work? You always shoved it down inside the deepest reaches of your memory. Tried to forget the feelings that had popped up for him.

You decided to move house later on and go to college, meet new people and possibly forget that you even loved him in the first place. But that plan crashed and burned one fateful day.

You were unpacking when you noticed some movement outside your window. One of your new neighbors was coming over to greet you. Luckily, you looked presentable, wearing a black limited edition Vanoss t-shirt and pale denim skinny jeans. Your hair was pulled into a messy bun, stray hairs framing your face. They knocked on the door and you opened it.

The person who stood in front of you stared at your shirt for only a second before looking up to you with a smile. You were frozen in place. It was him.


Your jaw almost dropped but you refrained from that. "Hey," His voice sounded even better in real life. "I noticed the sign said sold and there was a U-haul in the driveway so I came over to meet you."

"That's really sweet of you..." You trail off, his smile widens and you could've sworn you saw him blush.

"I'm guessing you already know who I am so would you do me the pleasure of telling me your name?" He scratches the back of his neck.

"(Y/N)." You say timidly.

"Well, (Y/N), it's nice to meet you." He says, the way he says your name sends your stomach flipping. He looks behind you for a second. "Need help unpacking?" You stand speechless for a moment before blinking and blushing.

"If you don't mind, I'm a little overwhelmed." You step to the side and let him inside. You close the door, still facing away from him and silently scream. You had to be dreaming. You pinched your arm and it hurt. Wow. You turn around to see Evan staring at you, a tiny little smirk on his lips. You regain yourself and shove your feelings deep inside your brain. You then spoke without a nervous waver in your voice, you were more yourself. "Thank you so much, you really don't have to," He blinks before shrugging you off, you notice the blush that overtakes his face, this time you were sure he was.

To be honest, Evan was freaking out. He wasn't expecting you to be his new neighbor, he had expected to meet a middle aged man and his wife with a couple kids, the type of people who usually moved into the neighborhood. You were gorgeous to him, he couldn't help but stare at you. What made him even happier was the fact that you were wearing his merchandise, HIS. He felt slightly embarrassed when you had caught him staring at you, he hoped his face wasn't too red and that you didn't notice.

"It's the least I can do for a new neighbor." He says politely, he wanted to get off on the right foot with you. He couldn't mess this up. He didn't believe in it but he was sure feeling it, love at first sight.

"Well, why don't we start in my kitchen?" You gesture to the doorway leading to your kitchen. He follows you inside and you both start on the boxes.

You get to know each other while unpacking and Evan falls for you even more. By the end of the night, you'd gotten half your house unpacked and exchanged numbers, feeling like you knew each other for years when it was only a few hours. You both ended up passing out on the floor if your bedroom while unpacking clothes, luckily falling asleep before Evan found the box containing your underwear and bras.

Evan was the first to wake up the next morning, it took him a few seconds to realize he was in your house. He noticed you laying on your stomach on the floor next to him, your arms above your head like you had tried to catch yourself before falling asleep. Your face was pressed onto the carpeted floor and your mouth was slightly ajar, tiny purrs left you as you slept causing you to sound like a kitten. Evan had gotten up from his spot and wrote a note for you before leaving.

When you awoke you didn't find Evan anywhere, you grew sad, thinking you had dreamt you met the famous YouTuber. Your mood quickly shifted when you found and read the note.

I had tons of fun with you. Once you get changed you should come on over to my house. I'm making some pancakes. Knock twice before you enter so I know it's you. We should play something together.

Evan Fong


First of all... HOLY SHIT!!! I have over 15k reads and more than 500 votes!!! This is insane, I want to cry. You guys have no idea how much you mean to me. I love each and every one of you who are reading this. Ugh... *becomes Crowley* FEELINGS.

Also, if you guys love Supernatural as much as I do... you should check out my new 'Supernatural X Reader' book. OMG I'm so cringy. Sorry for the self promotion but hey... a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Anyhoodini, drop a vote, leave a comment, and I will catch you all... I'm the next part, Peace out Everybody! Goodbye~! *blows kisses* Love you!

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