Mini Ladd -- WHY!!

969 26 13

Mario Kart is always a good idea... said no one ever.

Craig and the guys had invited me to play with them. I thought nothing of it, I'd just gotten the game for myself not too long ago because I finally had enough money. And of course, I couldn't say no to my boyfriend because who does that? Not me.

We joined together in a session and a Discord call. The boys started recording and we picked out our carts and drivers. I picked Toad and a random kart with random tires and loaded up. It's Marcel, Brian, David, Anthony, Craig, and me.

The first race. It was torture. Times infinity.

It was my very first race, I had no idea how to drive or what to do. Craig helped me out while he was racing like the good boyfriend he his. Soon enough, I got the hang of it and caught up with the boys. I'm a bit competitive... okay, a lot competitive so I obviously didn't want to be in last.

Some how I had gotten into first on the second lap. Craig was cheering me on from fourth. Brian and David were behind me and I knew I was fucked. But how fucked was I? I had a shimmer of hope that they would go easy on me since it was my very first race and I was in first. Boy was I wrong. We passed through powerups and they let me have it. Both had somehow gotten three red shells. Hell was unleashed upon me.

They threw all of their red shells at me at once, five of them hitting me. At the finish line might I add. I was stuck in place for a matter of ten seconds. I tried cheering Toad on so I could at least take third but no, I came last. I didn't even cross the finish line.

"THE RESULTS ARE IN YA IRISH PRICKS!" I screeched, making everyone laugh. Craig tried consoling me but I was beyond that. I wanted to get first... I needed to get first.

The next race started and it was Bowser's Castle. I got into game mode, a mode I do not frequently use. It is mostly made up of sarcasm, rage, and determination. I trash talked the two Irishmen, telling them that I was coming back for them. They sounded legitimately scared and I reveled in it. Anthony was snickering, Marcel was hyping me up, and Craig... well he was being Craig.

I got the best boost out of everyone and I gain a lead on the boys. I was mumbling but it was so inaudible that even I didn't know what I was saying. We passed through the first set of powerups and I get two coins. "Wow, two coins. I FUCKING LOVE FRANTIC MODE GUYS!!" Everyone laughed while I got hit with a green shell. Brian passed me. I can't have that. "Brian~" I cooed in a sing-sing voice, making him freak out.

The next powerups mustered all of my luck and I get six red shells. I cry out with joy. I popped three off forward and three backward, effectively taking first and pissing off David. Anthony, Craig, and Marcel seemed to be having a battle of their own and not once does silence fill the call.

I don't know why it happened but it did, I drove into a wall. Once I had finally righted myself I was in fifth, Anthony behind me. I was pissed off at myself. Anthony was driving next to me and I got an idea.

"Hey, Anthony."

"Yes?" He asked, sounding confused and slightly scared.

"We're obviously the best Mario Karters here so I was thinking..."

"Yes?" He repeated, now sounding interested.

"We should team up. I won't hit you, you won't hit me. I can almost see us getting first and second every time."

"Uh-Oh, everyone watch out! The two people who always get last are gonna try and win!!" Brian had teased and it fueled my drive to win.

"Shut up you potato fuck." I hissed, making everyone laugh. "So Anthony, what do ya say?" I said this in a much sweeter tone.

"Sure, why not. I think we'd be a great team." I cheered.

We passed through the next power ups and I got a bullet bill and a bomb. Anthony got some red shells and a green shell. I snicker before using the bullet bill, making my way to third, hitting Marcel and Craig on the way. "Sorry guys, you're getting caught in the crossfire." I apologized to them since they had started to complain. I threw my bomb while yelling Kobe and I almost screamed as it hit both of the Irishmen, sending them into a hissy fit. I zoomed past them and got into first. I was laughing my ass off, having the time of my life for the short period of time.

Anthony gets into second. We passed more power ups and I got a coin and a bomb. "Watch out Anthony!" I said, throwing it behind me. I, again, got the two Irishmen. The race ended with Brian in last, Marcel in fifth, David in fourth, Craig third, Anthony in second and I, in first place.

I celebrated, screaming at the top of my lungs. "Oh what was that you said about us Brian?"

"This game is so luck based." He yelled back in a joking matter. I had laughed with the rest of the guys.

"I'm sorry Brian but hey, it's your fault for being a bully in the first race."

"Right. My fault." He whined.

We laughed and joked for the next couple races, I had turned down my competitive nature. Anthony stayed in the alliance with me and pretty soon, Craig had joined because he was getting bullied. It was tons of fun when we weren't getting fucked up by items.

Tyler and Brock had joined us later on and everything went haywire. There wasn't a second that passed where someone wasn't getting upset, screaming and rage had filled the call as people where knocked off the map, hit with items on the finish line, hit with the many horrible items in general, bullied to a major extend by Nogla or someone else who was feeling a bit cocky, and so much more.

I either came on first or last, there was no in between and I'm pretty sure I raged the hardest out of everyone.


What's up everybody, Marienade here and I am BACK!! I think I've made it out of my slump and I'm SO ready to write again. Also, school is starting back up for me but that means nothing.

~Del~ SCHOOL?!
~Del~ I hate school.
Eh, I think it's fun.
~Del~ *gasp* Who are you?!
Please stop yelling.
~Del~ Sorry.

Anyhoodini! Drop a request, leave a comment, and I will catch you all... in the next part. Peace out Everybody! Goodbye~! *blows kisses*

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