I AM WILDCAT -- We Meet Again

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My neighbor was called into work at the hospital so she asked me to watch her three-year-old son, Gabriel. I, being the good neighbor I am, obviously said yes. He's the cutest little thing with the cutest curly auburn hair and the cutest hazel eyes and the cutest button nose. I love watching him so much.

I plop onto the couch and Gabe comes running into the room clutching my small stuffed moose, he never puts the thing down. I smile at him as he climbs onto the couch and sits on me. "(N/N)?"

"Yes, Gabe?" He squeezes the moose.

"An we go to the ark?" He asks, bouncing on me. He has trouble pronoucing his c's.

"Can we go to the park?" I repeat and he nods while bouncing some more. "Sure, that sounds fun!" I sit up and pull him to my chest, hugging him while he laughs and squirms in my arms. I set him on the floor and he's off, running down the hall to my front door. I grab his diaper bag and his sippy cup from the fridge before following him. I stop in the hall and watch as he tries to reach the door knob to open it. I laugh as he whines and looks at me.

"I ant get it!" He stomps and whines. I coo at him before picking him up and opening the door. I lock it before closing it behind me. He squirms in my arms while I walk to my car.

"Calm down crazy!" I laugh while he grunts, still trying to get out of my arms. I open the back door and set him in his car seat. I buckle him in before getting into the driver's seat. I pull out of my driveway and down the road in the direction of the park.

Gabe rambles on and on about what he sees outside the window, how his favorite candy is cherry lollipops, how much he loves my moose, and he whines about how long it's taking to get to the park. I let him talk, the radio playing softly in the background. He's so cute.


I pull into the park's parking lot and find a spot easily. I get out and open the back door, crawling back into the car unbuckle Gabe. He screams and laughs, excited to be at the park. I smile and laugh at him, picking him up and pulling him out of the car. I prop him on my hip and close the door with my other hip, slinging the bag onto my shoulder. I set him down once we reach the playground and walk over to the bench, sitting down. He sets the moose next to me and pecks its forehead before running towards the slides. I watch him as he plays, finding three other little boys to play with. I think I've seen them over at my neighbor's house. They're just as adorable, one with dark coffee colored hair and blue eyes, one with sandy blonde hair and green eyes, and the other with light brown colored hair and hazel eyes. (anyone catching my drift??)

I feel my phone vibrate and I check it, seeing my mom sent me her daily 'I love you' text. I smile and reply quickly before putting my phone away and looking up. Gabe and the three little boys are nowhere to be seen. My heart jumps in my chest, I look around frantically to see if I can find them. I hear Gabe's familiar giggle and he comes out from behind me, jumping. I sigh, holding my chest. "(N/N)! (N/N)! Doggy! Doggy!" His small hand grasps mine and he leads me into the grass field next to the playground. There's a white dog with black spots running and lapping at the three other boys as they laugh and run around with it. I let Gabe bring me to the dog.

"Look!" He points and the three boys look up at me, the one with sandy blonde hair smirks. He looks like he's five.

"You're pretty!" He cries out, latching onto my leg.

"Dean!" The brunette yells, he looks the same age as Gabe. The blue-eyed boy stares at me, his head cocked to the side, I can tell he's inquisitive. He looks like he's about four.

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