Daithi De Nogla-- Running Away (Part Two)

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a/n ~ Ah Yeah!! I did it finally. Are you as excited as I am? Probably not. Do you even read these?
Anyone there?
*crickets begin chirping*
O-Okay. Enjoy the part.

• Prompt: the first part??
• Warnings: mentions of abuse
• Reader Gender: female (sigh...)


   I feel a light tapping on my shoulder. I open my eyes, expecting it to be sunny out. The moon shines through my window and casts a pale glow onto my bed. I look up and see David.

   "What's wrong?" I ask.

   "I can't sleep. I mean I fall asleep just fine, but I'm tortured by visions of you." He begins, I stay quiet for him to continue. "All of them are of you getting hurt or your jackass father beating you to near death. I can't stand it anymore!"

   I move to sit on his lap, straddling him. I look at him sadly as I see tears in his eyes.

   "(Y/N), run with me." He says, placing a hand on my shoulder. My eyes grow wide. Run away? I've never thought of it, it never seemed easy to do.

   "David," I start, pausing to figure out what to say. "I'd love to but what about you? Your parents. Your channel. I can't take them away from you."

   "You won't. My parents love you, they'd understand. We could buy our own house, get away from here. I need a change from the same old routine." He searches my eyes with his. Both his hands on my arms now. "My channel can wait, you're more important. Please, you don't deserve this."

   I smile, tears slowly trickling down my cheeks. He wipes them and I hug him. "Okay," I mumble into his shirt.

   He lifts my chin and looks into my eyes again. I watch as his eyes flick down to my lips before coming back to mine. I close the gap and kiss him. Instantly I feel amazing, a tingling sensation from my stomach zings up to my mouth before zipping out through my fingers. I pull away and smile, he smiles too.

   "I love you," I whisper.

   "I love you more." He says.

   I slide off of him and he gets up. I crawl across my bed to my closet. I open it up and grab my Legend of Zelda backpack along with a whole bunch of clothes. I stuff the clothes into it and grab essentials from around my room. I go to my desk and pack everything up. I open a secret drawer. I take out the money I've stashed inside, $20,000. I've had secret jobs and might have stolen money from my dad every once in awhile. I only take it so he doesn't have a whole bunch to buy alcohol with. I put my laptop in its bag and slide its bag into my backpack. It's a really big backpack.

   I hear David open up the window when I'm done. He climbs through and stands on the ladder he put up. "I'll wait for you at the door." I nod and he climbs down. I fix up my bed to make it look like I'm sleeping and slip out the door. I close it behind me and sneak downstairs. I put my shoes on and go out the front door, locking it before it closes.

   I walk up to David on the sidewalk and we head over to his house which is two blocks away.


   David opens the front door and immediately his parents are hugging him.

   "Oh my god, you're okay!" His mom cries.

   "Where the hell were you?!" His dad says. His hard gaze shifts to me, and it softens. His mom lets David go and she looks at me.

   "Hello, (Y/N)." She smiles. "What brings you here? And with a backpack?" She looks at David.

   "Mom, dad, (Y/N) needs a place to stay. Her father is abusive sometimes and I wanted to take her away from that. I feel like we, me and her, should move. Get our own house together." David pulls me into him, my cheeks grow warm. "It's not that I don't love you or anything, I want to try something new, live somewhere new. Please understand."

   "Son," His dad says before a smile appears on his face. "I think that's a great idea." His mom looks over at him with a shocked expression.

   "Honey, we can't possibly let him leave!" She states, slightly flustered.

   "He's grown up. I think it's a great thing." They start talking to each other like David isn't there.

   "But, he hasn't finished high school!"

   "I'm sure he's mature enough to go to school when he moves."

   "Yeah, I don't think so." She crosses her arms. "Have you heard his complaints about his classes?"

   "Yada, yada!" His dad waves his hand. "David can leave! Do you really want to feed another mouth? I've heard your complaints about all the cooking you have to do with him and his siblings." I look up at David and he's smiling. He looks down at me, nodding.

   "So I can go right?" He asks.

   "Yes." His dad says matter-of-factly.


   "Shhh." His father waves his hands in front of his mother's mouth.

   She sighs. "Fine, but you better visit often, and write too."

   They turn to go up to their rooms. We begin silently dancing and cheering. His father turns around on the stairs and we quickly stop. "You can stay until you can find a house for the both of you. I will help you guys move whatever you have out also." We nod and he continues up the stairs.

   David turns to me and I smile widely. I pull him down to me and kiss him passionately. I set my backpack down. He rests his hands in the small of my back.

   We pull apart and head up to his room.

*4th wall breaks*
*everything freezes but you*

   We didn't do anything in the bedroom, so keep your mind out of the gutter! Geez, you really want yourself to do some crazy shit. Resume book now!

*You clap*
*4th wall returns to normal*


a/n ~ Hehe... I dunno what that last part was. Anyhoodini, did you enjoy it? Was it everything you wanted and more? Is there going to be a part 3?

All these questions can be answered and guess who can answer them... YOU, THE AWESOME READER!!!

Do you even read these outros too?

If you liked the part leave a comment, let me know what ye thought of the part, and as always, I hope ye enjoyed! ^~^

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