BryceGames-- You're a Dead Man

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A/N - Hellur! Oh gosh, that hello tho. Anyways, I got WiFi! YAYZ!! Now I'll be able to update more often. But yeah, that's all... read on.



I decide to get risky and flip my pancake while it's on the pan like people do on cooking shows. I prepare myself and launch it into the air just as Luke walks in. I look over at him and hear the pancake splat on the ceiling.

He looks at the pancake then down at me with a disappointed look on his face. "You're cleaning that shit up." He walks over to the fridge and grabs a water bottle.

"Wait!" I turn off the stove and put the pan down. "I can't reach."

"Get a chair or something." He says, knowing what I'm hinting at. "I'm not lifting you up again, last time I pulled something."

"Aww," I pout. "A chair's no fun."

"Whatever," He laughs, slipping on shoes. "I'm heading to the gym. I called the guys to come over later but knowing them they'll probably come while I'm gone." A knock sounds through our apartment. "Speak of one of the devils." He opens the door. I crane my neck to try and see around the corner.

"Hey!" Jon says and a couple seconds pass. "Why the shoes?

"I'm heading to the gym. Oh hey Bryce." I can almost hear the smirk. I run to grab a chair from the dining room and pretend I wasn't listening.

"Hi!" Bryce's voice comes down the hallway. I set the chair down under the pancake and get up on it.

"Hey, uh, Luke and I are going to the gym. He said it's okay if you stay here though. Ohm will be here soon." Jon's voice comes out rushed and I know exactly what they're doing. Ever since the embarrassing fiasco of two months ago they've been trying to get us together.

I remember it like it was yesterday. Bryce was on the couch, Ohm was in a chair asleep, and Luke was showing Jon his setup while I was in the kitchen. I was walking out to watch TV with Bryce when I tripped on the rug, falling onto none other than him. I landed like right on him too. I pushed myself up with my arms and I was hovering over him, apologizing. This was exactly when Jon and Luke walked out, seeing us on each other in the suggestive pose. They bust out laughing, Bryce's face as red as an apple. I scramble to get off him. Ohm was startled out of his sleep just in time to see the scene, he started laughing too, all of them making jokes. I was pissed and embarrassed out of my wits so I stormed to my room and slammed the door.

"O-Okay." Bryce says, suspiciously, and I hear the door close. Soon Bryce appears in the doorway of the kitchen. "Hey, (Y/N)." I nod. I'm facing him on my tippy-toes on the chair scraping pancake into the trash bin in my hand. I feel myself lean a bit, like I'm going to fall, and it scares me to a point where I jump. Bad idea to move... I begin falling. Of course though, Bryce runs to catch me and I land in his arms. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I sigh and he sets me down. "I'm having troubles though."

"I can see." Bryce laughs, putting his hands on his hips. "Here, lemme help you." He gets onto chair, his hair barely brushing the ceiling, and I hand him the spatula I was using. I watch and hold up the trash bin as he scrapes it off with ease. "There ya go!"

"Thanks." I say, putting the bin away. "Hey! Guess what, I got my own setup now."

"Really? Cool!" He says excited. A little glimmer in his eyes makes me smile.

"Come see," I wave for him to follow me to my room. He follows and I open the door.

My bed sits along the wall next to the door, the foot of it facing the door. My desk sits in the furthest corner with my double monitor, all of my video games organised into a mini bookshelf, my PS4, and computer tower. My drawing table straight in front of us covered in sketches and fan art I've made, another small bookshelf next to it filled with my sketchbooks and How To books on drawing anime and manga. Some paintings and posters hang on my peach colored walls. My sheets are still in a mess from this morning and my bedside table still holding my dead laptop from my late night binge on Netflix. I walk over to it and plug it in, grabbing my remote and turning on my flatscreen sitting in the top corner of my room above my drawing table.

"Wow!" Bryce gasps next to me and I feel my cheeks heat up slightly. He plops onto my bed and looks at me. "How do you cram all this stuff in here?"

I shrug and walk over to my PS4, putting in Mortal Kombat X and grabbing two controllers. I turn around with them in hand. "Wanna play?" He nods profusely and I chuck him a controller, connecting my PS4 to my TV.

I start the game and we pick our characters. I'm choose Jason Vorhees and he picks Alien.

"You're going down!" He chuckles.

"In your dreams!" I smile body checking him on the bed.

The match starts. We both throw punches and drain each other's health, both yelling at the other about how bad they're going to lose. Soon we both have one tiny bit of health left where one punch decides who will die. Bryce comes at me and I kick him.

"Nooooo!" He whines as Finish Him appears on the screen.

"Yesssss!" I laugh punching in the combo for my favorite fatality. I watch as Jason beats the shit out of Alien. Bryce and I wince each time until it's over. I get up and start dancing like a dork.

"I won, yes I did. I won, I'm the best. I won, Bryce sucks dick." I sing pointing at him when I say his name. He looks at me offended.

"I most certainly do NOT suck dick!" He says standing. I look at him and shrug.

"That's not what Ohm told me." I smirk at him and wink.

"Oh come here!" He says and runs at me. I yelp, running away. I don't get far until he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him.

"Unhand me you scum!" I say in my best impression of Jon. He laughs.

"No!" He continues to grab me as I try to squirm away. "I'll never let you go! Not until you apologize!"

I instantly stop moving and look at him. "No! Go eat Ohm's dick!" I laugh pushing away.

"That's it! I'm mad!" He pins me down with one hand and tickles me with the other. I laugh and squirm to get out of his grip. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Soon I'm just crying, and can't breath. He instantly stops. "Oh shit (Y/N), I didn't mean to make you cry!"

"I hate being tickled." I take deep breaths and laugh. "I'm sorry for saying you suck dick." I say defeatedly and he smiles.

"Good," He lets me sit up and I realise he's looking into my eyes. I look up at him. "I'd rather kiss you." I freeze, my face heating up. I see him lean in, closing his eyes. I don't know what to do, I can't move. His soft lips slowly make contact with mine and he lightly kisses me. My face burns when he pulls away and smiles, I feel a small smile grow on my face as well. We now sit inches apart.

I stare at him for a good few seconds, all I can think about is kissing him again. My body, getting the message, makes me lean in and our lips touch again. I feel butterflies in my stomach as my lips move with his. I feel his hand move up to my hair and his fingers run through it, his other hand placed on the floor. My hands rest on his shoulders.

"We're back!" Luke yells. I hear his and Jon's gasp as they see us. We instantly pull apart and look up at them. Ohm walks up behind them.

"Why are you guys in the door?" He asks and the guys look at him. Luke and Jon quick close the door and I hear harsh whispers from behind, along with Ohm laughing. They open the door again after a quick minute and Luke steps forward.

"Bryce, you're a dead man." Luke says handing back a laugh. "You touched my sister and now you're going to pay." Bryce jumps to stand and runs away from Luke, both of them sprinting around the house.

I shake my head at Luke, and I thought this was what he was hoping for?


Awe, Bryce loves you! What a sweetpea. I'm planning the wedding as we speak! Haha...

I wuvs you like fam,
Teddy >3 <

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