CaRtOoNz - I'm so Dead

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Your brother, Jonathan, or better known as H2O Delirious has finally shown his face. To his friends, his fans, everyone who wanted to see it. Naturally, his best friend Luke (who obviously already knew what he looked like) thought it was a big deal so he hosted a huge party on a Friday night. He had it at his house and invited everyone in the "crew". Of course everyone came and of course, everyone got wasted.

You wake up with a groan, clutching your head while you sit up in bed. Your brain seemed to be working on overdrive and your skull was pounding with each beat of your heart. You blink open your eyes and suck in a sharp breath as you take in your surroundings. This is not your bed and not your room. You notice that your also completely naked in the bed and you want to scream. You hear a soft snore come from next to you and you tense.

Please don't be anyone I know! was the only thought that ran through your mind as you turned to be greeted with an exposed back. Slowly, you lean over to see who it is and your heart plummets when you recognize the person to be none other than Luke. You did obviously have a crush on him, as cliche as it is, and most people would be rejoicing if they woke up in a bed with their crush naked but he's LUKE. Jon is going to kill you.

You quickly and gently got out of bed, finding your clothes scattered on the floor all the way to the door. You get dressed as fast as you humanly can before opening the door and walking out into the hallway, closing it behind you. You take a deep breath and try to calm yourself down. You don't remember anything that happened last night and you weren't sure you wanted to.

You make your way downstairs and find a couple of the guys who were probably too drunk to get a ride to their hotels. You recognized Evan who was curled up on the island in the kitchen and Tyler who was asleep in a literal snow angel made of beer bottles and cans. You sighed, holding back a small chuckle when you saw Lui passed out by the front door looking like he was trying to leave. You quickly left the house and speed-walked home, carrying your shoes. Jon let you move in with him when you finished college so he could "keep an eye on you for Mom". This was one of the many times you wished you just bought your own house for yourself.

You unlock the front door with the hidden spare key underneath the flowerpot and open it up. You walk in and are greeted by the sight of your brother. His arms are crossed across his chest as he looks at you, seeming pissed. You gulp and close the door behind you, clutching your shoes to your chest. "H-Hi, Jonny." You give a small smile that is quickly crushed by the expression he's giving you.

"I couldn't find you last night when it was time to go home." He starts, his tone cold and stern. You open your mouth to explain yourself but he cuts you off. "I also couldn't find Luke, kinda weird how that worked out. Don't you think?"

"Jon, I-"

"What's my number one rule." He interrupts you again. You give an exasperated sigh and drop your shoes, stomping your foot slightly. After a couple more seconds, he repeats himself. "What is my number one rule?"

"I was drunk! It wasn't my fault that it just so happened to be-"

"Answer my question!" He shouts at you, making you flinch slightly. "What the hell is my number one rule?"

You drop your head in defeat, feeling guilty for some reason. "Don't do anything romantic or sexual with your friends."

"Exactly, now-"

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