Vanoss -- I Could Keep You Safe

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"You're a very special girl, (Y/N)." Trevor grabs hold of my chin, lifting my head to look into his eyes. I smile brightly. "Are you ready for your debut?" He asks me gently. I nod, my smile growing wider. He lets go of my chin and gives me one of his best smiles. I get a bubbly feeling in my stomach. I can't wait to meet Micheal and Lester, Trevor has been talking about them non-stop since I turned twenty-one. I'm twenty-four now and he says I'm ready to see the outside world. 

"I'm excited." I bounce on my toes when I say this and he ruffles my hair. He gestures me to follow him out of the trailer and I rush to grab my knife before following him towards his old and rusty, beat up truck that's full of stuff. It's humid outside and I feel my hair cling to my body. There's a slight wind but it's just as hot as the rest of the air and kicks up dust, causing my eyes to sting. I hop into the truck and he starts it up. I continue carving the dashboard with my knife causing Trevor to chuckle.

I had carved people and buildings creating the pictures of Los Santos Trevor has in the trailer. He snaps his fingers and I look up at him. He points to the seat belt and I put it on loosely, giving me room to scoot up and start a carving of a tiny me and a tiny Trevor in Los Santos into the plastic. We begin our drive into Los Santos. It's my first time there since I was four.

I don't remember anything about my real parents or where I lived. All I remember is living with Trevor, training with Trevor, cooking meth for the first time with Trevor when I was twelve. I always wondered what it was like in the city, what it was like to have two parents like the people on TV. But in all truths, I wouldn't change my childhood. I learned everything I know from the best. I learned how to fight, how to kill, how to make drugs, how to protect myself, how to make bombs, how to hide my identity if needed, how to program robots, advanced algebra, and how to read and write. I know that most kids aren't brought up like me but I think their lives are boring. I mean, public schools? TV shows make it seem like hell for everyone.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Trevor breaks the silence. I smile a little bit, he knows me too well.

"My childhood." I sit back, blowing the shavings off the dashboard. The little me and little him stick out as my most detailed and I see Trevor look at them. There's something that clicks in his eyes and they begin tearing up.

"What about your childhood?" He quizzes, his voice wavering the slightest.

"How I was raised by the best person in the world." I can tell what I say hits him square in the chest and a few tears begin trickling down his cheeks which he wipes quickly. At first glance, Trevor doesn't look like the type of man to cry. He doesn't cry often but he does, and that's all I need to start tearing up myself.

He laughs. "Honey, I'm not the best person in the world. Quite frankly, I'm one of the worst." I frown at him and slap his arm gently to which he smiles a bit.

"Don't say that. You are the best, at least to me you are."


We arrive in front of an old warehouse at the docks on the outskirts of Los Santos and he pulls to stop. "Ready?" I nod, a huge smile spreading across my lips. We open the doors and get out, walking up to the door. I skip slightly, making Trevor smile. He's told me why I'm meeting them, Lester and Micheal. I'm supposed to help them out with something, I think killing a man. Which I'm totally okay with, I've been trained all my life for something like this.

He knocks on the door and I hear multiple locks unlock before the door opens to reveal a man dressed in a suit. He has a faded, barely noticeable fake tan and sunglasses in his black hair which is receding. He has a tired look that's creased into his face. His wrists are covered in gold bracelets and a gold watch. He looks me over before looking at Trevor. "Come in." He lets us inside the warehouse and we walk into a small lobby-like area decked out with very expensive looking things. I notice people standing in the corner in a group, some with masks, some without. Another man walks up to the two of us, he looks me over as well.

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