Mini Ladd-- Monster

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"Father please don't send me away!" I plead on my knees. He glares at me before kicking me in the face.


Everything is black as pitch. Where am I? I can't feel anything. I can't see anything. Am I floating? I could be. I try to raise my hands but can't. I can still hear the screams of souls in torture from home but they're getting quieter

Father's sending me away. I'm such a disappointment. I should have accepted the dead goat that those humans gave me. Father hates me. Now I'm being banished. I don't know where to though.


A bright light. The end of a tunnel. I can't control my direction and I head towards it. As I get closer I see red and blue flashing lights. I finally get to see something. I blink multiple times at the brightness and sit up, coughing.

Humans. They're everywhere. Some are running towards me, their faces white as sheets. Why are they running at me? Shouldn't they be running away?

One is a female and she is kneeled down next to me. She holds the side of my face and I stare at her. Her hand is warm and smooth, unlike the burning, sandpaper hand of Father. "Ma'am are you okay? You were just hit by a truck."

I cock my head to the side. I look down at myself and see I'm a human as well. My arms and legs are all bruised and bloody. I'm wearing clothes but they're in shreds. I raise my hands and see that don't have my usual long black talons and my reddish skin is gone, now replaced by a soft (S/C) color.

"I'm a human..." I whisper in disbelief. The woman looks at me funny. I feel my skin begin crawling and I see all my wounds start to heal. The woman stands up in shock.

"Y-Your wounds!" She cries out. "You're healing! You're a monster!" She screams running away, taking a huge crowd with her. I sit there, unphased, and look around. I see a few cop cars along with an ambulance. I see a few more bodies sprawled along the ground and are in the same state I just was. I stand up and hold my head, hearing my own heartbeat start up.

A heart. I have one now... and it beats.

I slowly walk over to the closest body to me. It's a male. His eyes are glazed over and his chest is rising and falling slowly. I sit down on my knees next to him. I hear his heartbeat very, very quietly. I place my hand on his forehead and hear his thoughts. He's scared, unsure of what just happened, he's in a lot of pain.

Father. I think of him. He would want me to collect this human's soul and send it to him. That's what I will do. Send him this soul.

"Don't be scared." I whisper, his thoughts go crazy. Who am I, he asks. "I'm here to take the pain away." I press my other hand down onto his chest, right where the soul should be, and clench my fist. He struggles inside his head, telling himself to keep fighting, to stay awake. But he's too weak to fight my pull and I win his soul. I lift my hand from his chest and a little blue orb hovers in my hand, is nuzzles itself into my palm and I enclose my fingers around it again, sending it to Father.

People. They begin to gather. They ask me if I was able to save the male. They had seen me trying to revive the man but in reality I was taking his soul. I shake my head slowly, pretending to be sad. They begin crying. I stand again and hurry from the crowd. I need to find a place to stay, a place to hide.

An alleyway. It's dark and the street lamp gives it an eerie red glow. Just like home, I think to myself. Perfect.

A box. I sit inside it. It's warm inside from my burning blood. My clothes are still tattered but I like it this way. I close my eyes to meditate. I need to talk to Father. I want to know if my offering worked.

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