CaRtOoNz -- Shy

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A large crowd gathers around a single slip of paper. (Y/N) knows exactly why, the roles for the school's big play have been posted not a minute earlier. She slithers through people as they buzz happily about practice. They begin to disperse. She makes her way to the bulletin board and reads from bottom to top, giving herself the thrill of waiting to see who got the main roles. She hasn't seen her name yet and grows nervous. But suddenly her impatience is turned to full out happiness when she reads her name as the main female role in the play, something she dreamed about getting.

Suddenly, in spite of her joy, her Social Phobia gets the best of her. Millions of 'what if's start filling her mind. What if she forgets her lines? What is she loses her voice in the middle of a line? What if she falls off the stage? She feels a presence behind her and turns to see Luke Patterson. She stares at him and subconsciously smiles. He holds a smile on his face and he runs a hand through his hair. From this angle, his jawline is sharp and (Y/N) notices his stubble coming in nicely. His brown eyes glisten with excitement. (Y/N) blinked a couple times when he looked at her and smiled. Her face warmed as an unnoticeable blush covered her face.

"Congrats, (Y/N)." He says, causing her heart rate to spike. He knows her name. "Looks like we'll be working together." And with that he leaves, the very last bell of school, signaling the buses to leave, rings in her ears. Are they working together in the play?

She rushes back to the bulletin board and looks at the role again. Lead Male Role: Luke Patterson. (Y/N)'s Social Phobia comes back stronger than ever, her brain coming up with ways she could embarrass herself in front of him. She tries to calm her breathing when suddenly she remembers what the play is about. A girl named Claudio and a boy named Hero. They fall in love... meaning... she might have to get close to Luke. She might have to stage kiss him.

(Y/N)'s friend Teddy comes out from the Library with Jon. She usually helps out there, reading and organizing books. Jon skips his Art class just to hang out with her. "Hey, gir- OH!" Teddy jumps when she sees the cast list. "Is this the roles?" She reads it with a smile, seeing she got the secondary female role, which is Claudio's best friend Beatrice. Teddy loves the plays, she started them in seventh grade, it's helped her overcome her anxiety issues. Her smile shifts to an all-knowing smirk as she reads the leads. "Oooo, looky here~!" Teddy giggles. "Is my biggest ship really coming true?" Jon looks over her shoulder at the sheet.

"Biggest ship?" (Y/N) questions, confused. "I thought that was Marcel and Simone." (Y/N) brings up the school's power couple and Teddy shakes her head, her short hair flying everywhere.

"No," She pushes up her glasses. "They are one of my many OTP's. I only ship people who aren't together... because that's really kinda how it works in my brain."

"Oh!" Jon points to the leads. "Now I get it!" Teddy pats his shoulder.

"Welcome to the loop." She laughs before taking (Y/N)'s hands. "So, are you excited?"

(Y/N) nods, relaxing in the comfort of her friends. "Very." Then she frowns a little, fears peeking back into her brain. "What if I embarrass myself in front of him? He might think I'm stupid and now want to hang out with me anymore."

"You won't embarrass yourself!" Jon says, encouragingly. "If anything, Luke would just adore you more because of it." He quickly slaps his hand over his mouth like he'd just told the biggest secret known to man. In a way he did. Luke had been telling him all about his feelings for (Y/N) the weeks before and how he joined the plays so he could hopefully get to know her better. If you want to be specific, Luke has a crush on (Y/N) as well.

"Wait..." (Y/N)'s eyes widen. "Adore me more?" Her heart flutters a little. "Y-You mean he adores me?"

Teddy smiles while Jon sheepishly nods. "In a way yes. He talks about you a lot when we hang out." Teddy begins jumping around and hugging Jon, making him blush.

"My ship! MY SHIP WILL SAIL!" She cries out, making her friend blush but she smiles widely. Teddy lets go of Jon and hugs (Y/N) tightly, both of them laughing and squealing.


(Y/N) reads her lines over and over again, stressing about the part they're meant to practice today. Luke walks into the auditorium and see's her up on stage, the lights bathing her. He blinks. She looks stunning to him. She pulls her fingers through her (H/L), (H/C) hair and a very noticeable blush coats his cheeks. His brain fantasizes about the play and how close he'll get to hold her.

(Y/N) notices him in the audience and gives a small wave, causing him to shake his head and run up to be with her. The director takes his seat. "Page twenty in the scripts, please. I want to know your chemistry on stage. I want to FEEL the love!" He yells up to them. (Y/N) gulps whilst Luke smiles.

They recite their lines to one another, getting mentored by the director. They act out their parts as well, absorbing themselves in their roles. They seem to speak on their own without looking at the scripts, the director is in love with their acting. But truthfully, it isn't acting. Luke draws nearer to (Y/N) as they should in the play and pulls her close to him. She says her final line before he leans in as if it's instinct.

"PERFECT!" The director screams, making them jump and pull away just before they actually do kiss. They both blush profusely.

"I AGREE! PERFECT!" Teddy cries from her front row seat as she stands and applauds them, Jon looking at her with a smile on his face.

(Y/N) gains some confidence and turns to Luke who nervously smiles at her. "I heard somewhere that you adore me."

"I heard somewhere that you like me." He says back which makes her laugh.

"So the feeling's mutual?"

"I guess so."


Am I not just the greatest? Ugh, I'm trashy. I'm sorry this is what I have to post but I tried. I hope a few of you will like this. 

So I have a usual order of writing these but after I finish this list I'm going to mix it up and write about whoever comes to mind if that makes sense.

P.S. I am uploading a Prologue to my new book Fallin' In Love With Masks so if you want to read it, go ahead. Sorry not sorry for this self-promotion.

Anyhoodini, leave a comment! Tell me whatcha think! I DO read them and they ALWAYS make me smile. Let it be love or hate I take it all with the greatest finesse you've ever seen! Feel free to vote if you like what I do! It helps me out to know who you like and what you want more of. I love you all!  

Peace out Everybody! Goobye~!

Teddy Bear

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