H2O Delirious -- Missed

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Del's P.O.V.

All I can hear is their yelling, the walls in our home aren't as thick as they think. I can hear everything they're saying. This is the first time they've fought in a year, the first time my dad's gotten drunk in a year, the first time my mom has been called a whore in a year, the first time my sister has cried in a year. A year. They were perfect for a year, the didn't hate each other for a full year. I thought that maybe this was them getting passed everything and finally living each other again. I guess not.

I get out of my bed and put a hoodie on over my tank top. I fix up my bed to make it look like I'm sleeping there and push up my window, opening it. I pop the screen out and climb out onto my ladder, still here from a year ago. I slowly make my way down it and take it with me. I slide it over the hedge next to our house that splits my yard from my neighbor's. (Y/N) (L/N). That's her name. We've been best friends since I moved in when I was six. She lives with her mom while her dad goes on business trips across the ocean.

I used to come over to her house every night when my parents fought nonstop. I actually came over so much that I kept clothes over here for the next day, most of the time it was when is was a school night. I just stayed in my pajamas on the weekends. I'd stopped when my parents had gotten better and she understood. We still hang out everyday and most of the time in high school, I just didn't sleep at her house. I prop the ladder up under her window and climb. A faint light comes from her window. I peer in and see her sitting cross legged on her bed with a bowl of ice cream. Her laptop sits in front of her. She takes a bite of her ice cream, sets it down, and types in her laptop. I knock on the glass lightly and she jumps, looking at the window. She sees me and smiles, getting up from bed. She opens her window and pulls the screen in, letting me climb in.

Once I'm in and standing, she closes the window before turning to me. She gives me a hug, a light one. I surprise her by almost squeezing the life out of her. "Jon?" She knows why I'm here but I've never actually acted like this before. I've never hugged her this tight. I don't let her go. "Is it bad this time?"

"No. It's just stupid." I burry my face in the crook of her neck. I hear her sigh, rubbing my back.

"Here, come sit on my bed." I reluctantly let her go and we sit on her bed. She moves her laptop and closes it. She sits cross-legged and looks at me sadly. "Wanna talk about it?"

And I do, I talk on an on about how happy I was that they stopped fighting. I talk about how they enjoyed each other's presence and how they gave each other kisses again and how the atmosphere of our house was light and bubbly. I cried some, laughed some, and spoke until my throat ran dry and became sore. And she listened, saying a few things here and there, holding my hand at times, hugging me other times, eating her ice cream, offering me some which I greatfully ate from her spoon.

I realized I missed her. I miss coming over to her house. I miss her touch, her calming aura, her smells in her bedroom, her attitude towards life, all of it. I realized just seeing her at school wasn't enough and even being with her now, I miss her.

Once I'd lost my voice, she checked the time. "What time is it?" I whisper, barely managing to do that.

"One thirty-five." She says, a smile hinting on her lips. "We should get some sleep." I nod and get under the sheets, her doing the same. She puts her laptop on her nightstand and turns off her lamp, drowning the room in darkness. I feel her lay down and I reach over and take her hand, squeezing it.

"Thank you." I croak out, clearing my throat.

"There's no need to thank me." She whispers, her voice quiet and calm. "You are always allowed to come over. I honestly love when you do. I missed you, actually." She admits, letting my hand go so she could lay on her side.

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