Vanoss-- Detective Work

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I'm guilty, I did do the crime. I'm the one who robbed the jewelry store of everything expensive in it. But I can't tell the police I did it. Ten years in jail? Fuck that!

I wait in my seat with my hands handcuffed together in front of me, a police officer standing guard by me to make sure I don't do anything stupid. I twiddle my thumbs, it's pretty much the only thing I can do right now. I need to follow their orders, act like I'm innocent. Then they will let me go and I won't have to do the time.

But you know, like they always say... if you can't do the time don't do the crime!

The thing is though, my mother has always been abusive towards me because she says I'm a "disappointment". All I want to do is to make her happy, make it so she'll love me again. That's why I did the crime, the jewelry is for her. Her birthday is this weekend and I figured, why not give her an early birthday present. But there may or may not be a little secret plan I have up my sleeve.

"Come on, get up." The male officer next to me nudges me with his pistol to get up. I put on my best terrified expression and look up at him, nodding I stand up. He moves behind me and grips onto my arm leading me to the interrogation room. He's gentle in his grasp, I can tell he's a softy at heart.

We walk up to a door and he unlocks it, leading me inside and setting me down in a chair. He doesn't take off the handcuffs but gives me a kind look before leaving the room. I sit with my head down and roll my eyes. What have I gotten myself into? How did I let myself become a suspect? I hear the door open and I look up to see a gorgeous specimen of a man walk in. He's wearing a white button up shirt and black pants with black leather dress shoes. I look over his arms which seem to be crafted by a god and his face, which holds a pair of black sunglasses, seems perfect.

He walks over and sits in front of me. "Ms. (L/N), I'm detective Fong. You seem to have stolen lots from a nearby jewelry store. Millions of dollars to be exact." I almost melt at the sound of his voice. I need to keep my composure.

"I didn't." I say, acting scared. "I had no idea the jewelry store was robbed!"

"Are you sure?" He puts a manila folder onto the table, opening it up. Pictures of the crime scene and a profile of me along with some other profiles of people seem to spill out from it. "You are our first suspect on this list. There are a lot of clues leading to you. Can you tell me. Just what you were doing last night around, oh I don't know, ten o'clock?"

I had rehearsed my answer while waiting. "I was at home obviously. I had some friends over, we were watching a hockey game. The Minnesota Wild against the Nashville Predators. We stayed up late, you know, having fun just hanging out. Then everyone went home and I went to bed." I watch as he took notes. Hopefully to him I sounded genuine even though I was totally lying.

He asked more and more questions, with each one I fell further and further for him. He has quite the charismatic personality, along with some pretty good jokes. His voice it's heavenly I swear, rivals some angels.

*time skippy jon jones*

"Well, it looks to me like you are innocent." He says after what seemed like hours of questioning. I internally throw a party. I stand up, showing an instant relief. I had to make a move now, show him that maybe I was even more of an "innocent" soul. He stands as well and we walk over to the door. He goes to open it and I stop him.

"Excuse me," I say and he looks at me. "Would you want to, after you're done working of course, do out to dinner maybe?"

He smiles at me. "That sounds lovely, thank you. I'll plan pick you up at seven Ms. (L/N)."

"(Y/N)." I say with a smile. I could do this. Keep this a secret. I almost laugh at the thought, a cop dating a robber... how funny.

"Well, nice to meet you (Y/N)." We shake hands and I go to leave. "Be careful out there!" He calls after me, I nod before heading to the front desk to collect my belongings then I head out the door.

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