Ohmwrecker -- Unexpected

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You weren't expecting your childhood best friend and longtime crush to confess their love for you. You also weren't expecting to be slammed into your bedroom wall and kissed like no tomorrow. And you also weren't expecting to be lifted up by your thighs and thrown onto the bed before getting attacked with kisses again. But you'd be lying if you didn't love every second of it. Oh, how did you get into this predicament? Well, mi amiga, I'll tell you.


"What are you wearing?" Your arm was grabbed as you walked out of the bathroom upstairs next to your bedroom. You turned to see Ryan, looking as hot as ever in his costume. He was dressed as a demon, wearing all black except for the red, leather trench coat he left open and the pair of red horns sticking out of his gelled brown hair. His perfectly shaved face for the beginning of no-shave-November made him look professional... almost. He used a bit of makeup to make his face paler with dark circles around his eyes so he didn't exactly look like businessman material.

"A costume." You replied, shaking your arm out of his tight grasp. His eyes raked over you before they met yours again. He took a step closer to you, wrapping his arm around your waist with a stern look on his face. You would've blushed if it weren't for the fact that he was being very overprotective of you. Of course, you had a crush on him (and wore your revealing costume to get his attention) but you could see that he was just being the overprotective big brother he always was for you. It hurt, somewhat, that all you were to your crush was the annoying little sister.

"I don't think so." He growled. "You need to take it off now and put something else on." You frowned at that point. No way in hell were you changing. You spent a lot of money on it (probably because it was a lingerie set from Victoria's Secret that you added a pair of wings, heels, and a halo to) and kid you not, you felt sexy for the first time in a long time. You scoffed, wiggling yourself out of his arms.

"No thanks, I'm good." You turn away from him and take two steps before you're grabbed by the wings and thrown into your bedroom. You quickly whip around to smack Ryan across the face but he grabs your wrist before you can. He kicks the door closed behind him and slowly nears you. That's when you noticed his bright hazel eyes were dark, full of lust and want. Now that is no way you should look at your annoying little sister so your heart gave you a pang of hope that maybe, just maybe, Ryan liked you back.

"Do you not notice the looks all the guys here are giving you?" His voice was much deeper than normal and it brought out your blush. You gulped as he towered over you. "Are you that oblivious?"

"I-I-" You tried to speak but you were interrupted by Ryan slamming you into the nearest wall, pinning you there.

"They all want you (Y/N), I can see it." He whispered, dangerously close to your lips. "But you're not theirs to take. You know that don't you? That you belong to me?" You just about died and became a real angel then and there. Your knees felt weak as you stared up at him, doe-eyed. You heard something rumble low in his throat. "You're mine. Mine." You didn't even have time to respond before his lips hungrily ate at yours. You kissed back instantly, no doubt about that.

Things got heated... fast. His hands roamed, like, everywhere on your body while you grabbed a tight hold onto his jacket and pulled him as close to you as you could. You broke for a second because oxygen is a thing that humans for some reason depend on. He didn't miss a beat as he smirked at you and pulled you in by your hips. "You understand me, right?" You nodded profusely, wanting him to know that you were all his because, honestly, who wouldn't want their crush to know that when they feel the same. He instantly put his lips on your again.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and he trailed his hands down to your hips. The kiss got heated... again. You jumped up and he caught you, holding you up by your thighs. He slowly walked toward your bed before dropping you onto your mattress. You squeaked in surprise but that was muffled since, you know, your childhood best friend was sucking your face off. Do I need to be anymore cringy?

Anyways, that continued. And by continued I mean the sexy times HAPPENED. 


So now, with the morning light filtering through your bedroom window, you lay with Ryan. Both of you asleep of course, it was a late night. (wink wink, nudge nudge). And thus concludes the predicament you'd gotten yourself into. It twas a good one.


This was rushed only slightly. I took my time for the most part. This is also short... my appoligizes but you know. I wanted to quit while I was ahead.

Anyhoodini, love you guys! Drop a vote, leave a comment, and yeah. I'll catch you call in the next part! I don't know when I'll publish the next one but you know, it'll happen sooner or later.

Much Love!!<3, MARIENADE

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