Lui Calibre-- AHEM!

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A Helpful Hint: David (Nogla) is your brother and that up there is your dress... have a good day!


I fix my cocktail dress with a sigh, Jaclyn walks into the bathroom and laughs at me. "What's wrong? Don't like the dress?"

I shake my head. "No, I love it. It's just I feel I don't look good in it. I feel trashy to be honest." She pouts at me before rubbing my back.

"I know exactly what to do!" She takes my shoulders in her hands and sits me down on the edge of the tub. She takes out a whole ton of beauty products, getting straight to work, she turns on Pandora too. She starts of my hair, curling it and spraying certain sprays into it as well.

Once all that is over with she adds a flower crown into my hair that matches my sea foam green dress. She adds a little foundation to my skin then contours and highlights, dabbing some blush onto my cheeks. She does my eyebrows then goes on to my eyes and uses a cool grey and black with some white, eyeliner and a mascara next on the list. "Okay now... open." She gets a neutral peachy pink out and applies it to my lips. She steps back, adding a few touch ups. When she's done she smiles, pulling me up so I can look in the mirror.

I gasp. "Wow, Jaclyn you work wonders..." She laughs at me.

"You deserve to feel pretty (Y/N)!" I give her a loving hug, thanking her, and we leave the bathroom, walking downstairs. David is waiting for us at the door, playing around on his phone. He looks up at us and smiles, I can tell he's happy I'm coming along. I don't usually like being the girly type with selfies and dresses, that kind of thing. I'd much rather stay home in sweats and play COD or GTA V.

"Ready to go ladies?" He asks and we nod, putting on our shoes. We all head out to the car and David pulls out of the driveway, starting our trip to the Youtube party.

*time skip*

We finally find a parking space and get out. Jaclyn and David link their arms together, walking towards the door. I sigh as I'm the third wheel and follow behind them.

Evan opens up the doors with a big smile, he's the one hosting the party. "David! Jaclyn! So glad you guys could make it!" They both walk in and Even turns to me, his eyes widen and I see a slight blush on his cheeks. "Oh, h-hey, (Y/N). Welcome." I could tell he felt bad for not inviting me in like he did with David. I smile at him.

"Hello Evan." I say politely. "Thank you for inviting me."

"Hey, you're like a little sister to me. Anyways, when do you go back to class?" I shrug. I had moved in with Evan over the fall because I got accepted to a college near his place. David stayed in Ireland. We become close over the time, he used to help me out with the stuff I'd bring home from class. I'd flown back to Ireland to stay with David for the summer but came with him when he came to visit Jaclyn.

"This fall. Classes should start back up again for me then."

"Sounds good. Well, I'm gonna go host this party. See ya around!" He waves and leaves me. 

I stand there awkwardly, being the third wheel everywhere I go in the room. I just give up on  trying to mingle and head to the snack table. I take a little paper bowl and fill it with my favorite candies. I find a spot in the corner where no one is and stand there, watching people have fun.

"Wow, you look pretty tonight miss." Lui comes up behind me, talking in his junior voice, scaring the absolute shite out of me. I whip around to face him and spill a few candies on the floor. He quickly bends down and cleans up the candies, shoving them in his mouth. "Five second rule."

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