Daithi De Nogla-- Puppy!!

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"But Baaaabe~" I whine in the middle of the pet store. David shakes his head at my childish behavior, laughing. "I want him." I point to the puppy behind the glass and it jumps around trying to lick me.

"(Y/N) we already have two dogs at home." He answers in a calming tone, I cross my arms and give him a pouty lip.

"Doesn't mean we can't have one more!" People were starting to stare but I didn't care. "I'll pay for him and everything! Pleeeease!" I put my hands together and beg.

He sighs. "Fine. I'll get the lady." He walks away and I cheer, freaking out that I'm actually gonna get a puppy. Joe and Tony will be so excited!

David comes back with the store owner, a middle aged woman with slightly greying hair. She smiles warmly at me and I look back at the bouncy husky puppy behind the glass. "You want him?" I nod profusely. "That's good. He's been here a while, he's actually the last of his litter."

"What's his name?" I ask touching the glass, the puppy raises his paw and touches my hand on the other side.

"Max." She answers. I quickly look at David and he smiles.

"Let's go get you the papers so you can take him home." She leads us back to the front desk. I sign all the papers in the correct places, paying for him with everything in my wallet, and we are lead into the back to get Max. I pick him up and he laps at my face making me giggle.

We carry him out of the store and get into the car, Max laying in my lap in the passenger seat. I was in tears to be completely honest, I drag my fingers over Max's soft fur coat. David pats my knee, giving it a squeeze.

"We got another puppy." I whisper with a sob, I'm so happy.

"We did." He says quietly.

*time skip*

We pull into our driveway and I bring Max up to the front door. I hear Joe and Tony barking on the other side of the door, making Max's ear perk up and his tail wag. David opens the door and I walk in, almost tripping on the jumping pups. I set Max down and the sniffing fest begins, tails wagging. I smile at all them getting along.

I quickly wrap my arms around David and dig my face into his chest, startling him a little. "Thank you for letting me get a puppy." I mumble into his shirt and he laughs, sending vibrations through his chest.

"I couldn't say no to you." He answers. "Also when you made the offer of you paying for him I couldn't resist." I laugh at that and look up at him. He leans down and plants a quick kiss on my forehead.

He takes my hand and we head to the living room, our troop of puppies following. We all sit on the couch, with me on David's lap, and watch movies on our Netflix. I let Max, Joe, and Tony out every now and then, sometimes forcing David to do it because it had gotten cold out. Max began running around with Tony, playing tug-of-war, while Joe watched with zero interest from the couch. I cuddled up to David and wrapped one of our favorite blankets around us for comfort.

*time skip*

It was getting late and everyone in the house except me was asleep. I finished my episode of Supernatural before turning the TV off and getting up. I turned back and saw Nogla out like a light. Max, Joe, and Tony looked up at me with sleepy eyes before laying back down, they spent a lot of time playing around the house.

I lean over David and peck his lips multiple times to wake him up. Soon he does and smiles at me like a sleepy dope. I pull him up off the couch and we head up to bed. I get changed on my side of the bed, while he does on his side. We slide under the covers at the same time and meet in the middle of the bed. I curl into his chest and drape my arm over his waist, him doing the same with me. I listen to his heartbeat and slowly fall asleep in his arms.


727 words. Sorry for such a short part but I just lost my inspiration in the middle of writing. I watched the Q&A with Nogla's mom and I thought it was adorable! She's such a lovely person, I want to meet her. 

~Del~ Are you writing about me next?
~Del~ *pouty lip* why not?
V-A-R-I-E-T-Y! This is about all of you guys. Isn't that right David?

~David~ Yep.

~Del~ *another emo teenage sigh*

I can not write about you at all.

~Del~ NO! No. I can wait. I can wait.
*pats his head* Good boy!

Anyhoodini! Leave a comment, tell me whatcha think. Let it be love or hate I take it all with the greatest finesse you've ever seen! Feel free to vote! I'M NOT FORCING YOU TO! I'm nice like that. ʕ◔ᴥ◔ʔ

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