SilentDroidd-- Cockatoos?!

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A/N - this is in the GTA V universe, ya know, where you can buy any weapon imaginable and do pretty much anything from murder millions to rub your hands all over strippers. Love chu!

P.S. my triple dash is my new time skip so when you see --- that mean's a time skip


Why did I make the decision to work with the Banana Bus Crew? When I had asked for someone to help me out with a certain job I needed to do, I didn't expect to get a horny, prepubescent, monkey in a retro card dealer's outfit! I hate Vanoss so much right now, I could murder him. I tuck and roll towards the enemy as the idiot trails behind me, drooling over my ass.

"Damn..." He whispers as I crouch down behind a desk to hide from the millions of bullets raining down on us.

"Get the fuck down!" I scream at him, rage filling my entire being. He blinks a couple times before obeying me. I equip my minigun and jump out from behind the desk, mowing down the enemies who were shooting us. Lui, still being no help, stares at me with doe eyes and follows me like I puppy as I advance my position.

"Hey, are you from Japan?" Lui asks and I don't answer I just shooting more guys. He takes his chance since I'm silent to finish another one of his lame ass pick-up lines. "Because I'm trying to get into Japanties!" I roll my eyes and take my anger out on a wall, wasting the rest of my bullets on one particular spot, I growl the entire time.

"Are you terms and conditions?" I ask once my bullets are gone, he looks hopeful, probably thinking that I'm trying to flirt with him. "Because I don't give a flying fuck about what you have to say!" I sarcastically smile at him and he frowns. I switch to my RPG to finish off the rest of the men running around this place. Lui stops trying to flirt with me and helps for a small portion of the time.

I put my RPG away and switch to my machete, I saved it just for him. The man who's behind it all, the man who ruined my life, the man who killed my mother, my stepfather. I head towards the back of the building where he should be. My steps don't falter at all as I stomp towards the bastard's office. Lui follows behind me but stays a couple feet behind me, since he can tell I'm pissed.

I burst through his office door and he turns around in his giant computer chair, he smirks evilly at me. "So glad to see you again," He stands up slowly and walks over to me, I grip my machete tightly. "it's been a while since I saw you last. You've grown up quite a bit since then I see, you look a lot like your mother." He puts his hands behind his back. I glare at him, if looks could kill, he'd be seizing on the floor with blood spewing from his mouth right about now.

"Don't talk about her," I hiss, making his smile widen.

"Oh come on, (Y/N)." He waves his arms out in front of him, drawing closer. "I've been nothing but nice to you, why not return the favor?" I give him another glare. "I could give you anything you want. Don't you know I have tons of money?" He doesn't stop his steady pace of getting closer to me, I watch his every move. I notice something glint in the fading sunlight and see he has a small knife in his hand. I look back up at him.

"I do know that, and I also know you're a prick," I say, he lunges at me but I'm ready for it, dodging at the last second. I quickly reach around him and flip him over me, his body hitting the ground with a harsh thud. He cries out in pain as he has landed on his shoulder.

"You little bitch!" He growls, getting up. He lets his dislocated arm hang at his side as he comes for me again, trying his best to stab my neck. I dodge all of his blows and suddenly get a small cut on my cheek, it stings but I pay no mind to it. I quickly connect his face with my knee a couple times before taking his hair and yanking it, exposing his neck. He loses all of his confidence when he realizes I've trained for this moment my whole life. I bring the machete to his throat and slice it, dropping him before his blood gets onto my clothes.

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