H2O Delirious -- It's Early

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My phone blares a Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC and I groan, rolling over in bed. I wait for it to go to voicemail before cuddling back under my covers, sleep lulling me back into its arms. I sigh contently, slipping from reality when the song blasts again on my phone. I sigh again, this time in annoyance before slapping my hand around on my bedside table to find my phone. I find it, rip it from its charger, and press answer on the call, not bothering to see who it is.

"H-Hello?" I answer, my voice raspy from not using it for the past seven hours.

"Hey, (Y/N)." The person replies. I'm too tired to recognize it.

"Who is this?" I ask, my eyes closed as I roll onto my back. I hear a familiar laugh on the other end.

"It's Jon. Your boyfriend?"

"Jon?" I jolt up in bed. "Why are you calling me at..." I pull my phone from my face to check the time. "Three in the morning?"

"Oh shit, is it really three in the morning for you?" I smile slightly when I hear him freak out, he's having trouble with the time zones. "I'm so sorry!"

"Yeah, it's okay. What do you need?" I ask.

"Well, Luke invited some of us to play some Rainbow Six and he was wondering if you wanted to play with us." He explains and I nod, humming as a response.

"I suppose," I reply, rubbing most of the sleep from my eyes. "I can't guarantee that I'll be good though, I might team kill or something stupid like that."

"Nonsense, people do their best when they're tired." I can almost hear his smile. "Haven't you seen that one video of Luke's when he woke me up to play with him? I was dominating!"

"Right, that's what you call it." I snicker when I get an offended gasp from him, the exact reaction I wanted. "Okay, well... I'm gonna let you go so I can change into more appropriate clothing and get some coffee or something."

"Okay. Love you!"

"Love you too, hot shot." I hang up and stretch, yawning. I flop back onto my bed and snuggle under the covers once more, apologizing to my bed for having to leave it at such an ungodly hour.

I roll off my bed and land on the ground with a loud thump, laying there for a moment before getting up and wandering into my closet. I change into a fresh pair of "unmentionables" and pull on some black leggings before putting on a giant electric blue XXL hoodie over my tank top, yes, I buy XXL hoodies that are way too big for me but are the most comfortable thing on the planet, don't you? I don't bother with putting on a bra because I'm home alone and it's too early for such a thing. I brush my hair and cover it up with a black beanie before slipping on my favorite pair of slippers and trudging to my kitchen where I make a personal cup of coffee. I make it just how I like it before dragging my feet to my office.

I set my coffee cup down on my desk, turn on my three monitors and everything that needs to be on, before plopping down into my comfy ass computer chair and putting on my headphones. I start up Rainbow Six and text Jon link me to their Discord call. I open up Discord on my third monitor and he sends me the name and password of the call they have. I enter the call with the guys.

"(Y/N!)" They all yell at once, hurting my ears tremendously.

"LOUD NOISES!" I screech, making them laugh. It's Ohm, Gorilla, Luke, and Jon. "It's too early for that!"

"Sorry." Ohm giggles that giggle of his and I roll my eyes.

"Ugh, sometimes I hate you guys," I say, sipping my coffee. "Except Jon, he's alright." Jon cheers, laughing soon afterward.

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