Ohmwrecker-- Friday the 13th

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a/n ~ A little hint for you! (Y/T/A)= Your Twitter Account Go ahead and read now!

• Prompt: Friday the 13th Game??
• Warnings: swearing, mentions of death
• Reader Gender: gender-neutral??


   I bounce excitedly in my seat as the game loads up. I can't wait to start. Ever since I watched Ohmwrecker play the game I was hooked. The graphics looked great and the random people you got matched up with seemed nice. Not to mention, the Friday the 13th franchise is amazing. I join a random lobby and go on my phone while I wait for the intro to start.

   A girl walks up to her group of friends, little does she know Jason is right behind her. She gets killed and her friends run off. Then a black screen and I fade into play. I'm a girl with a pink sweater and booty shorts, the one who got killed in the video. I stare at how awesome my ass looks for a second before playing.

   I'm alone. I go to settings and turn off the push to talk so people can hear me when I get near them and vise versa.

   I sneak over to the house in front of me and open the door. The first thing I see is the phone. Shit. The killer will most likely come here first. I walk over to a window and open it, hopping out. I sneak over to the broken phone box. I hurry to fix it, failing a few times since it's my first time. I go back to the phone and call the police.

   A little police box appears in the top left corner. 5 minutes till they come and counting down. I go to leave.

   Music begins to play. Horror movie music. Shit, he's here. I forgot to fortify the door! He busts through the door not giving two fucks about it. My character screams.

   "Please!" I plead. "Let me go, it's my first time playing!"

   "Oh, I can't do that." The killer laughs, his voice familiar. "Then I won't make mama proud."

   He makes an advance towards me, I run around the living room. I see the window I'd opened behind him. He lunges at me but I dodge. "Can't we make a deal?" I'm beginning to get desperate. I leap through the window and run, cursing.

   "He's right behind me!" I cry out as I run.

   "Hello? Who's there?" A male voice calls as I make my way to a cabin, he also sounds familiar. I see his name appear from behind the wall. Oh my god... H2O Delirious. I resist the urge to screech my lungs out.

   "Uh, I need help please let me in." I go to the door but it's locked.

   "Is he after you?" Delirious asks.

   "Yes?" I look around for the killer but he's nowhere to be found. "No,  not anymore."

   "Come through the window." I sneak over to a window and open it, hopping through.

   "Hey! We're twins!" I laugh and he does too. "I've seen your pretty good at this game. Could you help me out? It's my first time playing."

   "Yeah I can help you, but I can't guarantee me not selling you out." He says, his character moving around the room and checking out drawers. "I like your name by the way."

   "My name? Oh! You seriously like it?" I laugh, looking around the room also.

   "Yeah, BonBon, it's kinda funny." He says my gamer tag out loud. I shake my head and open a drawer.

   "Aww yeah!" I laugh grabbing the keys I found. "I got keys!"

   "Nice!" Del turns around to me. The music begins to play again, getting louder every second.

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