Ohmwrecker -- Coming Undone

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A/N - so this is gonna be Dead by Daylight but in the real world. Ya know what I mean. I also made you the killer but this killer isn't in the actual game, I made her up. Her name is Korn, yes, like the band if you know them.


(Third Person)

Ryan groggily opens his eyes, frowning in confusion as he doesn't know exactly where he has woken up. A bright, full moon sits above him in the night sky littered with millions of stars. The world around him is tinted blue, making the darker areas seem deep and vast. A light fog circles and swirls around rocks, trash piles, walls made of metal junk, and broken down vehicles. Not far from him is something that looks to be a generator. His back is up against a large brick wall with metal fencing around the top, it's height spreading in both directions for what seems to be forever. The metal fencing has sharp points and holds gnarly barbed wire in multiple places, squashing his hopes of climbing over it. His memories are faded and hard to conjure, his mind is like a TV with static on its screen. All he knows is that he has to get out of this place.

He stands and shakes off his sleepy feeling. He walks slowly over to the generator and begins working on it, hoping that he can possibly use it to get out of here. Footsteps, fast and important, slap the ground next to him and he jumps out of fright, causing the generator to pop and sparks to fly. A person nears him, squinting to try and see him better. He recognizes the person as one of his friends.

"Jon?" He questions and the male looks grateful before he throws himself on his buddy.

"Oh thank God it's you!" Jon says smiling, widely. "I was starting to believe I was alone here."

"Well, you're not anymore." Ryan smiles. Suddenly both men hear a heart beat, quiet but growing louder. It's theirs. They look at one another and search for a place to hide, they pick a couple trees to crouch behind. It's not the best place but, at the moment, it's all they have. Soft, padded footsteps are the only thing that can be heard in the still of the night.

Out of the gray, mist like fog comes a woman. Her skin looks as if it's fabric, stitches visible at each joint. Her left eye is a button, glowing red in the dark, while her other eye is a stitched 'x'. Her clothes are ripped and tattered, a pale green strip of fabric sewn to her chest and white and green striped joggers. Her hair is falling out in places as bald spots can be seen on her head. Her mouth is cut from ear to ear and stitched all the way to her lips, she has no nose. A few sad sighs come from her mouth every so often and when she walks, her legs wobble slightly. They watch she circles the generator. She sighs sadly once more before running off, looking like she's searching for them. When she runs, even with her limping, she's actually pretty fast.

She spooked the two hiding men as she isn't like anything they've ever seen before. Ryan looks over to his friend with the most horrified expression in the known world, Jon returning one as well. "Jon, what the hell was that?!" Ryan peeking out from behind his tree in the direction the thing went.

"How am I supposed to know!" The blue hooded male responds in a whisper yell. He shrugs his shoulders before standing. "We should get out of this area, it might come back." Ryan nods and something tugs at his brain, like someone trying their hardest to capture his attention. It felt like the vibrations of someone beating on a glass pane. He shook his head and blinked a couple times.

"Yeah, let's hurry." He tries to push the persistent person in his brain away. They speak in gibberish as they wave him down, making hand signals. It points to the TV of his memories and it's not static anymore, it's a clear picture on pause. As Ryan walks with Jon, he concentrates more on the sudden link to the satellite that is his memory.

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