H2O Delirious-- Same but Different

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A/N - sorry for having a ton of these in the beginning but just wanted to tell you this is set in the GTA Universe again. The song above is just a little something to listen to while reading. It'll be mentioned in this part as well. Zat is all, read on.


(Y/N), or commonly spoken to as N2O Delirious by her group of friends, decided to sneak out of her base late at night. She wore her usual, a white smiling mask, a tie-dyed hoodie with the word psycho scrawled out in black spiky letters, black fingerless gloves, and black short shorts with black combat boots. Her earbuds placed firmly into her ears to keep her somewhat sane, she listened to Violent Pornography by System of a Down. She kept her distance from the creepy and drunk people walking around by jumping from building to building in the crowded, business area of Los Santos.

She didn't want to stay out too late, knowing her friends had early mornings and hated when she went out without them. They'd always joke that N2O had a secret sex buddy and that's why she disappeared each night around the same time. Her friend group is basically made up of a bunch of rag-tag girls with criminalistic thoughts and dirty, childish minds. There was Kestrel, Simian, Piggy Bank, Davina Da Vinci, Tiny Lass, Exterminator, Cat Astrophe, Alpha, News Flash, Mute Nano, Calculous Addiction, IDoItLater, and Better Get Paid. They never exchanged their names to each other because there was no need to, they just gave each other nicknames. For example, News Flash always says 'News Flash!' when she gets salty or when she's about to lay out all the facts, Davina Da Vinci is the artist of the group and she draws up blueprints for crazy inventions or buildings they want to break into and paints out plans in perfect detail, and Better Get Paid always mumbles the famous 'I better get paid for this,' before starting up on a heist or illegal-cargo-traffic with the rest of the girls, but that's just to name a few of them.

Soon the moon is high in the sky and ninety-nine percent of the people wandering around have left the sidewalks and alleyways. N2O began her hunt, searching for those dumb enough to venture into the darkest alleyways of this city or wandering on the streets. She wanted a victim, someone to be her kill for the night. This is usually what she did each night, search for people and kill them, keeping it civilized and killing only one person.

Finally, what she was looking for! A victim! She stalked the lone ranger dressed in an electric blue hoodie from above while they walked down the sidewalk. Their hood was up so she couldn't see their face. After another minute, the person stops in front of an alleyway. Looking both ways, they disappear into the shadows between the buildings. Perfect, she thought, easier for me.

She travels to the edge of the roof and pears down seeing her victim hiding out in the brightness of a small light strung up by an alley door. She smiles under her mask as her blood lust grows rapidly. Out of her pocket, she grasps an inhaler. Instead of regular bronchodilator most inhalers have, she equipped it with nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas or N2O, hence her nickname. She takes a puff of it from her inhaler, just enough to get her loopy but not make her pass out, and shoves it back into her shorts pocket, slipping a knife out from her hoodie pocket. It was a needlepoint knife with a double edge blade and a crossguard. The blade was covered in carved designs of smiling faces, demon horns, and the obnoxious 'ha ha' repeated multiple times in the midst of it all. The handle is made of a hard metal dulled down to be less shiny that the actual knife. She had chosen needlepoint for the precise stab wounds she could produce and a metal handle to beat people over the head with if she really wanted to. 

She turned off her music and set her phone inside her shorts bra, tangling her earbuds in along with it. She decided to take another small puff of nitrous oxide before jumping off the roof of the building. The person in blue turns to the sudden movement as watches as N2O delicately lands on her feet next to him. She notices a hockey mask covers their face and is slightly taken aback, stumbling back a step, slipping between dreams and reality. "Oh... wow." She says, overly exaggerating her words. "Was not expecting you to be wearing that!" She points to their mask. Now that she's nearer to her victim she notices they have a strong build and the stance of a male. He doesn't move, he doesn't speak, he just stares at her with two bright blue eyes.

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