BasicallyIDoWRK - Happy Endings

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You stood at the cliff watching the world pass by below you. It was calming, watching the trees sway in the breeze, the remaining deer and forest animals go about their days. It was weird to think that the world had come to an end, with how calm everything was. But maybe it didn't, maybe it was just restarting and returning to the way it used to be before man. Either way, you didn't mind. Everything dies at some point in time. You looked up at the sky which was full of puffy, white clouds and you ached to relax and imagine shapes but you couldn't, you needed to keep moving.

You sighed, taking one last look at the scenery's beauty before slinging your backpack onto your shoulder and hiking through the woods. You had your staff ready in your hand, you used it to help you walk and to stab through the flesh-eating monsters that now roam the Earth. You stayed silent, your dirty tennis shoes so broken in that they didn't even make a sound when you walked. You listened to everything around you, remaining on high alert at all times.

You came upon a paved road, cracked and faded from the lack of maintenance. You looked both ways, seeing trees spreading out in both directions. Your feet screamed at you to stop and take a break after the hours of walking but you pushed yourself on, following the road in one direction. It appeared that you were walking West as the sun started to set in front of you. You grab your Dad's ball-cap and take it out of the side pocket of your backpack, putting it on. It shielded your eyes from the sun fairly well.

You heard the gurgling groan of a monster in the trees next to you, causing you to pause. You waited for it to show itself. Once it did, it stumbled down the slight slope and onto the road, it's lifeless eyes boring holes into you. You remained calm, raising your staff. You waited until it was an arm's length away before shoving the staff through the beast's head with a sickening crack. The noises it made stopped instantly and it fell to the ground with a thud. You wiped your staff off with a rag and continued in the direction you were going.


It was about a minute after the sun had finally dipped below the horizon when you made it to an abandoned town. It was overrun with vegetation, the animals that had survived thus far ran around in the night. The buildings were old and crumbling, many of the windows broken or close to breaking.

You wandered around the town for a little while before finding an old mom and pop music store with everything still intact. The windows of the storefront were boarded up as well as the glass of the door. You walked up and tried the door. Surprisingly it was unlocked, so you swung the door open and took stock of the room. It was doing pretty well, no one had come to raid it (but you had guessed that since it was a music store). The instruments and equipment were still sitting on display. You closed the door behind you and locked it again, planning to stay the night. 

You walked around the store, looking for anything that might be of use to you. You found a door in a back room which you had guessed was the break room. It was locked. You snooped around and came upon a ring of keys thrown carelessly onto a corner of a desk. You tried each key until you found the right one and unlocked the door. You opened the door up to reveal a staircase. You took a deep breath and wandered up the stairs, studying everything as you went. There were photos that lined the right wall as you walked up the stairs, each one getting older as you went up. They each were a picture of the storefront but each one had a different couple holding each other with huge smiles on their faces. You smiled and touched each picture as you passed it, feeling the joy in each one seep into your fingertips.

As you reached the landing at the top you noticed a window in front of you. You wandered up to it and looked outside. Behind the store was a garden, now overgrown with vegetation. It was still beautiful and you watched evening fireflies dance across the flower bushes. The plants were surrounded by a peeling white picket fence, it was inefficient as the bushes overflowed into the area around it. Behind the garden was a slight slope right into a flooded, raging river. Just over the trees across the river, you could see the oranges, reds, and yellows of the ending sunset. You blinked a couple times, a subconscious smile on your lips, as you turned to the door you came to at the top of the stairs.

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