BasicallyIdoWRK -- Screams and Dreams

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What better game to play than Mario Kart 8 on a calm Sunday evening? Brian texted a whole group of us to play. Teddy jumped at the chance to play with us. Like JD, she was given a Nintendo Switch from Nintendo so she wanted to promote their games. We all load up the game. Nogla, JD, Marcel, Mini, Scotty, Brian, Teddy and I all pick out our karts. This time since it was Brian who invited people, he left motorcycles on. I picked a motorcycle since I have seen those few videos the guys post where, with the bike, Brian would get first almost every race.

It's time to pick what map we're going to race on and everyone does the random choice. Brian, JD, and Marcel all talk shit, Scotty stays silent except for a few snickers, Nogla joins in every once in a while when people comment on his Mii since once again it looks really weird, Mini complains about how he knows he's going to get last and Teddy tries to cheer him up since it's the least she can do. I listen and put my two cents in wherever I can.

We load in and everyone makes bets on who they think will win. I put my "money" on Nogla, while Teddy, being the nice person she is, bets on Mini to give him confidence which in turn causes him to bet on her. I aww and others join in too, making Teddy yell at us to shut up. Marcel, JD, and Scotty bet on me and Brian bets on himself. Nogla doesn't bet because he says he needs the money for ice cream.

I instantly get first when the race finally starts and Brian's right on my ass. I hit a power up and get a red shell, smirking to myself I throw it back at him and he cries. "Everyone! (Y/N) got a red shell in first!" Marcel cheers me on.

"Fuck him up!" I smile as Nogla drives up next to me.

"Go on ahead Nogla, I bet my hard earned money on you." I swerve away from him. He laughs before gaining his usual five hour lead on everyone while Brian whines.

"Oh poor Brian, you're in third!" Teddy says sarcastically, before giggling. "Make that fourth." She pulls up behind me but doesn't pass me yet. I can tell she's plotting a scheme silently in her room across the Atlantic in Ireland. We hit a power up and my suspicions become reality. She gets a Bullet Bill and knocks me off the map.

"Who got a Bullet Bill up there!?" Mini cries, seeing us ahead of him. Brian passes me for a short-lived three seconds.

"Teddy did," I answer him with a growl, trying to get Brian off my ass. Teddy makes a humming noise like she always does when she's happy or pleased. I see she's neck in neck with David on the minimap, both talking and saying sportsmanlike things to one another. I hear Mini whine and I see he's in last, Scotty desperately trying to not lose the very important seventh place.

JD gets up behind Brian and hits him with one of his three red shells, Marcel getting him with one right after. Both men curse while Marcel yells at them cockily to eat a dick. I see Marcel drive along next to me and I smile at him. "Oh hi, honey!" I smile even though he can't see me. Oh, did I not mention? Marcel and I are married.

"Fancy seeing you here, huh?" He laughs, driving with me. We continue to flirt and a turn comes up, Marcel doesn't turn hard enough and goes off the map, causing him to curse. Brian gaining fourth place and JD fifth. Scotty zooms up on us with a Bullet Bill all while Mini is as silent as ever. 

We near the beginning of the track for lap two and Scotty gets ahead of me. We hit powerups and instantly I get gang-banged by red shells. I scream out in anger and the guys laugh. Mini catches up with me and we fight for seventh place now. I watch Scotty litter banana peels along the track and make sure to miss them while driving. I'm not mad... okay I might be just a little bit mad.

"So, welcome to the last place club, (Y/N)," Mini says, sounding more pissed than me.

"Thank you, kind sir," I say, hitting a power up. I watch as I get a Bullet Bill, Mini getting the same. We use it at the same time and end up in front of all the guys, putting Scotty last, JD seventh, Brian sixth, Marcel fifth, Mini fourth, and me third again. I look at the minimap and see Teddy and David already on their third lap. I can still hear them in the background of the shit-talking and cocky comments, cheering each other on and complementing each other's collection of coins they are receiving. 

I go silent myself as I begin to try hard, much like Brian does. I race through the turns expertly and don't miss a power up, no one's bombs, red shells, green shells, etc. hitting me at all.

"Oh my god no way!" Scotty screams. "This is bullshit! David and Teddy just lapped me!" Teddy hums and David laughs.

The third lap comes up for everyone except the two "gods" at the game as they finish the race. Brian goes on to complain saying he should have been the one with David finishing the race. Mini sarcastically whines, pretending to be Brian and makes us all laugh. "I'm sorry I'm better than you Brian." Teddy says, sounding completely innocent and I over exaggeratedly 'oh' with Marcel and JD.

"Fuck off you Irish bitch!" Brian grumbles. Teddy gasps, sounding like she's offended.

"I am not a horny female dog from Ireland, thank you very much." I can hear her smile and all the guys bust out laughing, not expecting her to say something like that. 

After a little bit longer, the race is over. I get third, Marcel gets fourth, Brian gets fifth, Scotty gets sixth, Mini gets seventh, and JD, living up to walkJDwalk, got last place. We all talk shit to each other some more before starting the next race.


I stretch in my seat as I edit my footage from Mario Kart today. I text my thumbnail artist, a.k.a. Teddy, and ask her about making me a thumbnail. She gladly excepts, sending multiple 'lol's. Teddy has a YouTube channel as well, but she mostly makes her income from drawing thumbnails for other YouTubers. She plays a lot of the Sims 4 and GTA on her channel, along with retro Mortal Kombat on the fossil PS2.

Marcel comes into my office with a plate of stir fry and sets it down on my desk, kissing my cheek. "Almost done?" He asks.

"Yeah, I have a little bit more to do and then Teddy is gonna send me my thumbnail so I can post it tonight."

"Isn't it like three in the morning there?" He raises a brow.

"She has an odd sleep schedule where she doesn't get tired until like ten in the morning and then she sleeps until five in the evening," I answer, eating some stir fry. Marcel laughs and then gives me one more kiss before leaving my office.

Today was fun.


You're probably wondering, hey Teddy, why did you say I was married to Marcel. Well, I said this because Marcel and Simone are technically married sooooo if I were to switch Simone out and put you in it'd make much more sense. Since its 2017 and all.

~Del~ Smart.

Where did you come from?

~Del~ What do you mean?

You were not here like three seconds ago.
~Del~ I'm magic!

Anyhoodini, leave a comment! Tell me whatcha think! I DO read them and they ALWAYS make me smile. Let it be love or hate I take it all with the greatest finesse you've ever seen! Feel free to vote if you like what I do! It helps me out to know who you like and what you want more of. I love you all!

Peace out everybody! Goodbye~!

Teddy Bear 

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