Mini Ladd-- Meeting Him

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A/N - Welcome to the last Author's Note at the beginning... well, that's not true. I might give you little notes to clear up confusion that might come up while reading. Anyways... no more little random comments at the beginning. They will be at the end. C'YA!!


I jump up and down in my spot in line, people walking by giving me weird glances. I have the biggest smile on my face, I'm meeting my hero. My literal savior, Craig, or better know as Mini Ladd. I hold my card in hand, filled with all the words I won't be able to say when I step up to him.

I'm three people away from him now. I can see him, taking pictures with people and asking them questions.

Two more people...

One more person...

It's my turn. The girl in front of me turns to leave and I step up. I smile warmly at him and he smiles back.

"Hi!" He says shaking my hand. "What's your name?"

"I'm (Y/N)." I say, my lip begins quivering. I feel tears over flow and run down my cheeks. I begin sobbing just looking at him.

He looks at me with concern in his features. He pulls me into a hug. "Hey, hey don't cry!" He says desperately, rubbing my back. I wrap my arms around his waist and smile through my tears. I reach up with one hand to wipe my eyes, sniffling a little.

"S-sorry." I say. "It's just so amazing to finally meet you. To tell you the truth, you saved my life. I was considering ending it but I had some how come across your channel and I laughed." I look up about to cry again. "I laughed." I hand him the card. "I want you to have this." My voice cracks as he takes it smiling at me. "It's all the things I want to say but can't right now."

"Alright. Time's up."

I go to leave, nodding at the bodyguard dude. "Wait!" Craig calls and I turn around. He hands me his phone, winking. "This is so I can find you later." My face turns bright crimson but I nod. I slowly take it and leave.

*Hello I am a Time Skip, Bai*

I'm looking at My Neighbor Totoro merchandise when Mini's phone starts ringing. I grow nervous as I'm not sure what to do and I slowly slide the answer call. "H-hello?" I say.

"Hey is this (Y/N)?" An Irish man asks, I know instantly it's David.

"Y-yes." I clear my throat. "Yeah."

"Well, Craig told me to call ye. He wants to meet ye at... uh, where was it again?" David asks and I hear Craig.

"Just give me the phone." I hear him say and I laugh. "Hey, could you meet me at the main entrance?" He says towards me.

"Yeah, sounds good."

"Okay, see you there!"

"He loves you!" I hear Tyler yell and I blush bright red.

"What the fuck Tyler!" Craig screams before hanging up. I smile and begin my walk to the main entrance. I can barely contain my excitement and my fingers twitch.

I see all of them standing by the doors talking. Craig sees me as I near and runs up to me, smiling. "(Y/N)!" I hand him his phone. "Thanks, but could you put your number into it first?" I freeze, tears threaten to spill. I can't believe this is really happening. "I also read your card, it means a lot to me."

"Yeah." I smile looking down at his phone and shakily typing in my number. My vision becomes blurry and I try to blink back the tears but they trickle down my cheeks. I hate being so emotional. I purse my lips as I feel a sob climb up my throat. I save the number and I hand him the phone.

"Wait... are you crying again?" He says lifting my chin up with two fingers. I shake my head no but then I let out a sob.

"Are you making her cry, Craig?" Tyler says walking up to us. Craig's face growing red.

"I'm not doing anything to her!"

Tyler protectively wraps his arm around me, pulling me into him. "I'm not so sure I believe you dude." He smirk.

"I-I'm fine, really." I smile, wiping my eyes. "I'm just super happy to meet you guys."

"Aww, that's sweet." Tyler laughs, patting my back. I smile.

*another time skip hehe*

He grabs my shoulders and pulls me into him, digging his face into my neck. I feel his warm tears on my skin and I hold him tight. I hear faint sobs causing me to hold back my own tears. Why did they stop talking to us? Why did they start ignoring us? Why are they all so depressed all of a sudden?

"What's happening?" He whispers into my neck and I shake my head.

"I have no idea." I say, patting his back. "Let's go see what Tyler's up to."

"You know he won't acknowledge our existence." Craig looks up at me. I nod with a sad look on my face.

"Worth a shot, huh?" I shrug and he smiles slightly, it's small but it's there. He nods and we head over to Tyler's house. We got there sooner than I'd expected. We open the front door and walk in, instantly seeing Tyler on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. Tears streaming down the sides of his face. I rush over to him and wipe them.

He sits up startled and looks around the room, his eyes glancing right over us. I frown. "What the fuck was that?" He says in a scared tone. He touches the spot where I did. I turn back to Mini and he gives me a confused look.

"Tyler?" I turn back to him and he's looking at me.

"Oh my god." He looks at me in disbelief. "You're here."

"What the hell do you mean?" Craig says and he looks up at him.

"You're here too!" He laughs and stands up. "I can't believe it! I can see you. How?"

"We've always been here." I say confused. "Couldn't you see us before?"

"No, I thought... I knew... I saw that you..." He looks at us sadly. "You don't know do you?"

"Know what Tyler?" Craig says. I begin to feel drained and I can see it in Craig's expression too, it's like all of my energy is being used up to talk to Tyler.

"You guys died. It was icy out and a car lost control and slammed into your car. I was told it killed you both instantly." I see tears in his eyes as I look at him with wide eyes. "I-I... visit you guys in the cemetery everyday. I guess I didn't know you weren't there so you couldn't hear me crying. Probably a good thing too." He smiles a little.

"Well, just know that we were walking around with you. We tried so hard to get your attention. I don't think we will ever leave your and guys' sides. We'll be around when you record and everything. But I think we should go, I'm feeling so drained." Craig nods along with me.

"I'll miss you." Tyler whispers.

"Don't." Craig smiles. "We'll try to contact you again sometime, leave you a sign so you don't miss us." I nod.

Tyler looks around and we know that he can't see us anymore. "Goodbye."


I cried while writing this omg. I dunno why I did that kind of ending. Did you guess you and Craig died? Haha, I'm in tears right now. Help me! Also I might stop using stars to separate the notes from the part. 

Wuvs you all!

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