BryceGames X Werewolf!Reader -- No

666 22 10

A/N - This was requested by RakkiiTheZoroark so I hope ye enjoy!! ☺️


Ominous grey clouds loom over the university buildings, the air humid and clogged with the smell of oncoming rain. Thunder rumbles in the distance, vibrating the window panes of the library. I look up from my textbook, the rain finally starting up outside, light sprinkling at first before switching to an all-out downpour. A few people scurry into the darkened building to avoid the storm. The lights hanging from the high, plaster ceilings give off a pale glow, keeping the room from total darkness. I watch the people as they go about their business, taking out books to study or their phones to play on. My corner of the library is untouched by anyone else, and it's dimmer than the rest of the place. I switch on my lamp just as a flash of lightning zings overhead, the thunder shaking the windows and the floor. I wince, storms were never my thing. I don't like the loud noises. Rain is fine, but as soon as thunder is added to the mix, I become a pup again, a whimpering and whining mess.

I take out my phone and earbuds, plugging into my music to drown out the booms. I pick out some classical music, to keep myself calm and focused. Could you imagine me accidentally shifting? In front of all these humans? No... thank... you. I look back at my book and continue to read. I have a test coming up tomorrow morning. It's nothing too special or important but I like seeing A's on all of my papers. Most Lycanthropes don't even go to college, they say it takes up too much time, time that could be spent on hunting for the rest of the pack or something stupid like that. My parents always told me I'd be better off getting a good education, so I listened and enrolled in this university after high school.

My phone buzzes next to me and I jump, almost growling. I click the home button and the screen lights up, showing my notifications. I see I have a text from Mari. She's human, I met her in my creative writing class. She seems to be passionate about that sort of thing. I moved into a small apartment with her, after my parents exceedingly urged me to. They want me to explore everything the human world has to offer before I have to become a full member of the pack and marry my "mate". I savor my freedom in the human world, many of them marry who they want to. Many of them love who they want to.

M: @ that library?

I text back a quick yes and watch as the '...' pops up to show she's typing.

M: I'm driving home, want me to swing by and pick you up??

I decide I've gotten enough studying for the day and ask her if she would want to pick me up, not wanting to be any trouble. She quickly replies 'of course!' and I watch the storm rage outside, packing up my books and putting on my jacket. I take my earbuds out and slide them into my pocket. I get up from my secluded desk and walk up to the large front doors, opening one. A cold gust of wind almost blows the door out of my hands. I slip out of the library and stand on the steps. A flash of lightning in the distance makes my hair stand on end, I can feel the electricity in the air. The thunder isn't too far behind the flash and I squeeze my eyes shut, my hands balling into fists.

I don't know how long I stand like that until a couple honks of a car snaps me out it. I open my eyes to see Mari's black Ford Escape on the street, waiting for me. I rush down the steps and pull open the passenger-side door, throwing myself into the seat. I almost slam the door shut when I close it. Mari's laugh comes from the driver's seat as she turns up the heat and presses the button for the seat warmers. Classic rock plays softly on her radio, the aux connected to her phone. "Some storm, huh?" She pulls out onto the street again and points the car in the direction of our apartment. I just nod. "How ya holdin' up?"

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