CaRtOoNz-- April Fools

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"Your kidding right? This is just some April Fools joke you planned? Something that we look back on and laugh?" He sighs, he shakes his head no. The tears begin staining my face with black since my mascara isn't waterproof. I begin pleading. "Please Blake, this isn't fair!"

"I can't do this, (Y/N). You never have time for me with your job and whenever you have a day off you go straight to your office to work on YouTube. Do you even love me anymore?" He asks I see tears in his eyes as well. I pause, I didn't even stop to think about how he felt. I feel awful.

"Of course I love you... I'm- my- pe..." I stumble on my words, soon I just get so frustrated I give up on trying to speak and sigh.

"Let me guess, you're just busy at the moment, your job is important, people need you?" He asks, sounding flustered.  I look down, how could I have been so stupid? "Took the words right out of your mouth didn't I?" I shrug, nodding. My tears continue to stream down my face and drop off my chin.

"I'm going to miss you." I accept my fate, I shouldn't have been so careless with him. I can't believe I never thought about our relationship when I started YouTube with my full-time job as well.

"I know, I will too." He hugs me. "It's for the best, you're busy with your career. Don't think of it as breaking up. Think of it as... as... I don't know, something other than a breakup." His voice is soft as if he's on the brink of bursting into a sobbing mess. "We can still be friends, alright?" He holds me out in front of him and I nod, wiping the tears.

"Okay." I shakily answer.

"Goodbye, (Y/N)."

"Goodbye, Blake."

The door closes and I'm alone with my thoughts. I'm ashamed, I'm frustrated, I'm sad, I'm grieving, and yet, I'm happy. I didn't lose him, we still get to see each other. I head to my bathroom to clean up my face and free it of the black streaks.

I quickly wash my face with cold water and walk to the kitchen for a bowl of ice cream. After I get some, I trudge through my house to my office. I load everything up and I get a message from Jon, he wants to play Rainbow Six with a couple of the guys. I accept his offer, I need to get my mind off of Blake. I start my game up and we join the same team. I start a discord call for them and they enter. It's Jon, Luke, and Ryan. They felt like I should join so we could all have something to upload.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Luke is the first to speak, his nose stuffed. He's been sick for a little while now but is finally starting to get better.

"Happy April Fools day!" Ryan adds, making my heart clench. I wince slightly but smile nonetheless. I need to stay strong. "How's Blake?" Oh no... a new batch of tears well up behind my eyes.

"He's g-good." I curse myself out because I sound miserable. They take immediate notice.

"Are you okay?" Luke asks.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Jon is the next to speak.

"I'm fine, it's nothing." I try to cover up my mistake but they keep pressing me. I know they care deeply about me but I don't feel like this is the time to talk about feelings, to dwell on things I can't change.

"It doesn't sound like nothing, did I say the wrong thing?" Ryan is next to speak and I shake my head even though he can't see.

"No, you didn't say anything wrong. I'm just a little sad, that's all. I'm okay, really." I can hear the doubt in the short silence that comes over the call.

"Why are you sad, (Y/N)?" Luke is first to speak.

"Blake broke up with me..." I mumble, managing to keep my tears from trickling down my cheeks. Another silence fills the call, it's a little longer than the previous. Jon rushes to change the subject, Ryan whispers an apology.

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