Vanoss -- Bad Mood

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A/N - soooo... I got this idea when I was thinking about Riverdale (one of the best shows to ever grace Netflix) and I just went with it. It's in the GTA V universe soooo, yeah, enjoy...

P.S. don't ask me how I got this from Riverdale because I honestly don't know


You were known to be absolutely terrifying when you were mad. But it was rare for you to actually get pissed off. Today was one of those rare days. You were angry... for no actual reason at all. You literally woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you just felt annoyed ever since you got out from under your covers.

When you opened your door, everyone in the hallway froze. The aura coming from your room wasn't a good one. You glared at them, just the sight of them looking at you, infuriated you. You slammed your door behind you and stomped downstairs to get something to eat. Craig and David were cooking when you walked in. Craig's back was to you and David was facing you but not looking up at you. David glanced up at you, "Morning (Y/N)!" He greeted cheerily.

"How'd you sleep?" Craig added.

"Oh, I slept great!" You snapped with sarcasm, making them look at you fully. You had a frown creased into your face and your arms were crossed as you glared at them. You were still in your pajamas, a pair of threadbare booty shorts and a huge t-shirt you'd stolen from Tyler while doing the boys' laundry, and your hair was messily twisted into a braid.

Craig tried to make light of the situation with a little joke. "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He even added a little laugh to it. You didn't laugh, or smile, you growled. Craig instantly shut up after giving a tiny 'okay' and went back to cooking. You plopped yourself down onto a stool at the island and watched them cook, grumbling about nothing in particular.

Soon, the rest of the boys started to file into the kitchen, ready to eat. Evan sat next to you at the island, he'd heard from the buzz of the guys that you were upset about something. The boys were being boys, yelling, messing around, flirting randomly with each other and insulting each other as well. To you, it was awful and aggravating. You groaned, rubbing your face with your hands. You then felt the pressure of an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. It was Evan, you lowered your hands and glanced over at him. He wasn't looking at you, he just watched David and Craig cook, you noticed a small blush on his cheeks. You felt your mood lighten only slightly, touched that he was trying to make you feel better.

Once everyone had eaten and was stuffed, they began to disperse and soon enough, it was just you and Evan in the kitchen/dining room. You didn't move, mostly because Evan hadn't. Sure, you were in a bitchy mood but you didn't want to be a bitch and shove him away from you just so you could leave. Also, it was Evan fucking Fong, no way in hell were you passing up the chance to be this close to him.

You started to feel uncomfortable, wanting to move and get comfy again. Evan could feel your shoulders tense as you debated moving. He lifted his arm and got up from the stool. You watched him with a slight frown. He smiled, trying to hide his blush from the ferocity of your stare, and held out his hand to you. You looked at it, making him laugh. "Come on," He said, you glanced back up at him. He moved his hand again as if to say 'take it'. So you did.

He yanked you up from the stool, causing you to stumble and curse him out, and pulled you to your room. "Get ready, I'll be back in an hour." And with that, he closed the door and was gone.

You stared at the door, grumbling about something, before heading to your closet to find something to wear. It was November in Los Santos, so the weather was cool but not freezing. It was upper 40s low 50s (t-shirt and shorts weather for us Northerners). You chose a knit red and black v-neck sweater with a black skirt that went to mid-thigh . You put on some black knee high boots and did your hair simply, not wanting to do a whole bunch. You started on make-up (just the very basics because you don't even need it), wanting to look nice for Evan, but you kept messing up your eyeliner. You wanted to scream after screwing up for the third time. You groaned, slamming your head into the nearest wall. Evan knocked on your door twice before opening it.

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