Terroriser -- Relationships

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LA - 3/9/18 - 8:35 - Craig's Apartment

"It's her loss," I say, placing my hand on Craig's shoulder and rubbing his back in circles. His soft sniffles and sobs quiet down even further at my words. He slowly looks up at me from his sitting position on the couch.

"W-What?" He wipes his nose on his sleeve.

"It's her loss," I repeat before starting a little rant. "She's retarded for cheating on someone like you. You're an amazing guy, Craig. I have no idea why she'd do such a thing to such a great person, but she did, and you broke up with her, just what you should've done. She deserves to lose you. Now, quit crying. Show her that you can be just as happy without her, okay?"

I see a small smile form on his lips. "Okay."

Tennessee - 7/4/18 - 9:32 - Tyler's House

"The fireworks are ready Tyler." I peek inside of his house and see him and Kelly arguing. Luckily, everyone is outside and can't hear them. I frown in my usual motherly way and slam the door to get their attention. They both instantly become silent and turn to look at me with wide eyes. "What do you two think you're doing?" I ask.

"N-Nothing." Tyler stutters and Kelly nods with him. I roll my eyes.

"Better have been nothing." I point to the both of them like an elderly man scolding his grandchildren. "I don't need you two fighting. You're too cute together to do that, you hear? I don't need you to get so mad at each other that you break up alright?!" They nod. "Now, the fireworks are all set up and everyone who is doing a vlog is ready to vlog. I want you two to knock it off and have a good time with your damn friends."

They nod together again and look at each other out the corner of their eyes. I spin on my heels and walk out to the area everyone is at. Craig turns his camera towards me and he smiles. 

"And here we see the wild (Y/C/N) coming back from a successful mothering." Craig babbles and I laugh, standing next to him. Tyler and Kelly come out of the house, ready for the fireworks show Anthony and Scotty set up. I see Tyler stand behind Kelly, resting his head on her shoulder and holding her close to him. I smile.

Florida - 10/14/18 - 7:12 - Marcel and Simone's House

I flop onto the couch and curl up with one of Simone's special Soft As Hell blankets. I sit in the corner of the couch while Marcel lays next to me, Craig beneath me on the floor. Scotty and Fissy sitting together in an armchair, Fissy on Scotty's lap. Simone comes out from the bathroom and rolls over the back of the couch and lands on Marcel making him groan.

"You couldn't have laid anywhere else?" He asks her and she shakes her head no, making him smile. She pecks his lips before laying down fully on his chest, snuggling into him. He wraps his arms around her.

I squeal quietly in my corner of the couch, making everyone look at me.

"What is it momma (Y/N)?" Scotty asks and I point to Marcel and Simone with a wide smile peeking out from my cocoon on the couch. "What about them?"

"They're soo cute!" I squeal, even more, making them laugh, Marcel blush, and Simone smile at me.

Seattle - 12/15/18 - 4:25 - Brock and Lauren's House

"Your baby is adorable!" I gush as I hold their infant. She gurgles and grabs ahold of my finger with that tight baby grip of her's.

"I know right." Brock stands next to me and smiles. "She looks so much like her mother." Lauren laughs and wraps her arm around his waist.

"To be honest, I think she looks like you." She points. "See? That's totally your nose and your eyes. The only thing she has of mine is my chin." Lauren rubs her chin when she says that and I smile, laughing softly as to not disturb the little girl in my arms.

"So, (Y/N), what are you doing for Christmas?" Brock asks me.

I shrug. "Brian and I are going to Skype while we open presents we sent to each other. But other than that, that's really it. I guess I'm just gonna be lazy on my couch." Even I could hear the hurt in my voice. I miss opening presents with real people, in person. I bounce the baby gently in my arms to keep myself from crying. I miss Brian.

Lauren knits her brows together in a comforting way as she begins rubbing my back. "You miss him, don't you?" She asks me and I nod, pursing my lips. "Oh, honey. You'll see him soon." She hugs me from the side and I hand the baby over to Brock, hugging her fully. If only soon wasn't so far away. I let a few tears slip from my eyes.

Brock lays the infant in her pack 'n' play to nap and hugs me too. "I'm sorry for bringing it up, I just thought you'd get excited and all that since you know... presents!"

"It's okay," I sniff out a laugh. "I just wish I could see him and be able to hug him an-" I'm suddenly cut off by someone tapping my shoulder. I turn and I see a smiling Brian. "B-B-..." I begin to cry harder and I jump into his arms. He laughs as he rubs my back. I take my face out of his neck and kiss him.

"You okay?" He asks me and I smile, nodding.

"Now that you're here, I am." There's a couple 'aww's I turn to Brock and Lauren and see their mischievous smiles. "You planned this, didn't you?!" I whisper tell since the baby's now sleeping. Brock shrugs while Lauren nods. I notice a phone in Lauren's hands, it's Brian's. She hands it to him.

I peek over his arm to see him playing back a video. My voice rings out in the room and it starts when we were in a group hug. I see Lauren waving Brian over and he sneaks up on us. I begin telling after Brock apologized that it was fine while Lauren recorded. I watch as Brian taps my shoulder and I turn around. I smile when I stutter and jump into his arms. It ends right after I tell him I'm okay now that he's here. He taps a couple things and uploads it to Twitter and his Instagram, tagging me. The caption on both of them is "thanks to Brock and Lauren, I got to come to the US for Christmas, someone looks excited to see me 😉❤".

I gasp as I realize something. "Brian, what about your mom? A-and your family?"

"They understand, don't worry. They love you so of course I'd get to come to see you." His words make my chest clench and my stomach flutter but in a good, I love you way. I smile at him and he side hugs me.

I look back and Brock and Lauren. I give them a smile and mouth thank you. They nod. I jump when Brian bows me down and kisses me. I grab onto him tightly, taking his shirt in my fists. He lifts me back up again. "I've been waiting for what? A year to do that now?" I blush and he smirks.


I have a Bryce one shot in the making. It'll be before THE INNER WORKINGS OF MY BRAIN when it uploads so if you get confused, don't worry.

Anyhoodini, leave a comment! Tell me whatcha think! I DO read them and they ALWAYS make me smile. Let it be love or hate I take it all with the greatest finesse you've ever seen! Feel free to vote if you like what I do! It helps me out to know who you like and what you want more of. I love you all!

Peace out Everybody! Goodbye~!

Teddy Bear 

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