H2O Delirious-- Comfortable

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Your P.O.V.

"Hey Ev, do you know where I put my-" I freeze as I notice the room filled to the brim with people I don't know. Each one turns to look at me as an eery silence suddenly takes over the room. I find Evan in the crowd of men, he seems to be in the middle of something. I see Jonathan is next to him and he waves to me. I smile. "Oh, you seem busy." I bow. "I'll just go." I turn and head down the hall as quick as I can, straight to my bedroom. I hate crowds of people, especially if I don't now ninety-nine percent of them.

Delirious' P.O.V.

"Hey Ev, do you know where I put my-" (Y/N)'s voice makes everyone look up at her, causing a silence to take over the loud conversations that were just raging. I'm the only one, besides Evan, in the room to know who she is. I wave to her and she smiles, making me smile back. "Oh, you seem busy." She bows. "I'll just go." She quickly turns and races down the hallway, most likely to her room. She spends a lot of time in there studying for her classes, drawing, or playing video games. I hang out with her in her room sometimes. She's Evan's younger sister, but he's only older than her by a year.

Instantly everyone jumps onto the idea of screaming questions at Evan. Most of them along the lines of 'who is she?' but I hear a couple asking if she's single. "Guys, guys, guys!" Evan yells over them and they calm themselves. "Do you want to know who she is?" His question is answered by multiple eager nods. "She's my sister." The questions start pouring out of their mouths again at that statement. "CALM DOWN!" He yells again and they go quiet. "She doesn't really like meeting new people so that's why I didn't tell you about her. I knew if I told you, you'd all press me to see her. She gets real bad anxiety with tons of people." They all nod in understanding. "But I'm guessing you guys still want to see her." More nodding and Evan sighs. "Can you get her?" He turns to me. I nod.

"I guess I could." I get up from my spot on the couch and head down the hall to her room. I knock on the door and hear her ask who it is. "It's me, Jon." I hear her say come in. "Hey, (Y/N), Evan wants you to come ba-" I freeze in her doorway when I see her bent over, reaching for something between the wall and the side of her bed. My eyes shoot straight to her underwear that seems to be too small for her, bright pink and lacy with a little black bow. My cheeks heat up instantly. She turns to me.

She smiles, waving me over. "Can you help me? I dropped my phone between my bed and the wall and I can't reach."

"Uh, sure." I climb onto her bed and she points. I stick my arm down and feel around for her phone. She lays down next to me, her arms sitting underneath her chest.

"Can you feel it?" She asks as my fingers brush against the glass of a phone screen.


"Here, I'll look down." She leans forward and peers down the crack. "Oh! You've almost got it!"

"Mhm." I reach down a little bit further and grasp her phone. I pull my arm up and she grins when I hand her the phone. She takes it from my hand and I get off her bed real quick.

She looks up at me. "Leaving so soon?"

"I came to tell you something." I say, I can hear my voice waver.

"Oh..." She moves to a sitting position on her bed. "What is it?"

"Evan wants you to come back and meet all the guys." I say quickly.

"Oh, you know I wouldn't be able to do that. Could you tell him I don't really want to?" She looks up at me with puppy dog eyes. "I'd rather stay in here."

"I'll see what I can do." I leave the room, closing the door behind me. I shake my head, she didn't show an ounce of inhibition. She looked so comfortable being in a tiny black tank top and her panties around me. I almost run back to the game room. "She said she doesn't want to come back." I say as soon as I set foot inside the room. Disappointed sighs come from everyone except Evan.

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