H2O Delirious -- Same But Different (Part 2)

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A/N - This is long overdue. I actually had TWO people request it "recently" so thanks to @HalleDalle04 and @CxFandomGirlCx for reminding me that Same but Different exists.


H2O was torn. He didn't quite know what to do. Should he burst out of the house and run down the street screaming bloody murder? Should he sneak out and find his friends? Should he stay and find out what these crazy women have in store for him? He slightly danced in place, having a huge mental debate. Luckily, it was cut short when N2O popped back out into the foyer from a hallway to the left. She had changed into a crimson red crop top with a black leather jacket and black leggings with big, crimson 'Ha Ha's printed across them and her black combat boots. Her (H/L), (H/C) hair was chaotic but retained at the same time, it was frizzy but still looked incredibly soft and shiny. She had taken her mask off and her face was covered in makeup, making her look like the Joker. Dark, smokey, circles around her eyes and crimson lipstick smudged into a wide smile. If H2O was drinking something, he would've spit it out and choked. She was breathtakingly beautiful to him, even with the bruises and split lip from their fight earlier.

"Aren't ya coming?" She asked, placing her hand on her hip. H2O couldn't speak so he just nodded and jogged up to her. She smiled before taking his hand and leading him down the hallway.

The house was huge and everything in it looked as if it cost a fortune. The molding on the walls was gold encrusted, there were hung paintings that cost billions, and the floors were a white marble. The walls were lined with doors, each one designed for each girl. N2O pointed to each one and said who owned the room and why he should never go in each one, using her own experiences as to why. Her room was the last one of the hall, Kestrel's across from her's, News Flash's next to it. She turned right and another hallway spread out in front of the two.

"This house is enormous," H2O said after a while, making N2O laugh. She shook up her inhaler before taking a puff and speaking.

"Yeah, it is... none of us could afford it!" She walks in front of H2O as they pass an archway leading into a large dining room with an eight-foot-long dining table. There were fancy, comfortable-looking chairs that lined each side and a bigger version of them sat at each end of the table. H2O paused to look inside the room. "We didn't even want to pay for it so we just murdered the rich couple who lived here by themselves." H2O had caught up with her and almost choked again. N2O heard him suck in a sharp breath. She turned to look over her shoulder at him, her hair swishing with the movement. "Don't worry, they were old so we made it look natural." Then she smiled as if saying that made it better. H2O was surprised with how casual she was when she said it.

They continued down the hall, passing a modern kitchen before taking another right, onto another hallway. This one had one archway on either side. She led him to the archway on the left where yelling could be heard. They walked into a huge gaming room, two giant screens (most likely used for screening movies) sat on opposite walls and couches sat in front of them. There was every gaming console and game imaginable under each screen and one was a giant split screen of Call of Duty Zombies. IDoItLater, Piggy Bank, Cat Astrophe, and Davina Da Vinci were on the couch, each with a controller, yelling at one another while being very competitive with each other. They took no notice to the duo watching. The other screen was playing The Wizard of Oz and Mute Nano was watching it, Simian next to her. Mute Nano was watching intensely while Simian was snoozing on the couch, her head resting on Mute's shoulder.

"This is our chillin' room. It's fun when those four," She points to the squad of girls screaming. "Play together because we all make them rage so hard." She giggles before taking H2O's hand and leading him across the hall.

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