Vanoss-- Ice Fishing

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a/n ~ I'm ice fishing as I write this... inspirational I know! The picture is an enclosed trailer cuz I mention it later. I wasn't sure if people knew what they were... anyway, happy reading!

• Prompt: me ice fishing??
• Warnings: none (unless you count cringy fluff)
• Reader Gender: gender-neutral?? (correct me if I'm wrong)


   I pull my jacket closer to me as a cool wind wafts me when I get out of the truck. My teeth start to chatter and Evan looks at me from across the bed of the truck.

   "Cold?" He asks and I glare at him.

   "No, it's 10 degrees outside, of course I'm not cold!" I say sarcastically through my chattering teeth. He laughs at me.

   We walk to the back of his enclosed trailer and he opens the big door, walking in. I watch as he drives out his 4-wheeler. He parks it and I help him get the sled/mini ice house hooked up. We load the sled up with snacks and I leave a spot open for me to sit since the 4-wheeler is only big enough for Evan.

   I sit down in my spot and Evan hops onto the vehicle and we're off across the lake. We don't drive super fast because of the low traction. Evan had said there were about 6 inches holding us up, thus striking the fear of falling through into the pit of my stomach.

   "I'm gonna bring us to my favorite spot," Evan calls to me. "No one likes to go to it because I tell them there are no fish." He laughs.

   "You lie?" I say.

   "Not exactly." He turns back and looks at me with a lopsided grin on his face. I smile up at him from my little nook in the sled. I pull my hat down further to cover my ears.

   The ice crunches and makes uneasy noises as we drive across. An island grows in size as we pull up to it. We drive around it to a sort of secluded spot. He glides to a stop and hops off,  coming back to help me out.

   "I could have done it myself," I say as my boots touch the ground. I go to step out of his way and slip. He catches me before I hit the ice.

   "Are you sure?" He asks, smirking and helping me stand again. He looks at me and is still holding me close to him, I blush and look down. "Would you like to use my ice cleats?"

   "No, I'm good," I say. "I told you I don't need help, I'm an independent young woman!" I proudly state the last part making him laugh. Honestly, I wouldn't have cared one bit if he helped me, I love it when he does.

   "Okay then." He goes to the sled and grabs an ice auger. He walks to a specific spot before drilling into the ice. I slide my feet across the ice like I'm ice skating and watch him as he gets to work setting up his tent-like ice house, helping him when he needs it.

   Soon everything is set up and we sit down. Evan begins baiting his hook. I start laughing and he looks at me. "What's your problem?"

   "It's just that fishing pole... it's so small like it's a baby." He shakes his head at me with a smile.

   "You're such a child." He says making me smile. "You're lucky I love you." He stops himself, a blush dusting the tops of his cheeks.

   My smile fades quickly and my eyes widen. A blush also on my face. I feel a smile tug at the corners of my mouth again. "You love me, huh?" I question, leaning towards him. He doesn't answer, just continues to set his line.

   "Evan?" I whisper, choking back a laugh, as I lean onto his back from behind him. He still doesn't say anything. "Would you talk to me again if I said I love you too?" I whisper, right next to his ear. That gets something.

   Before I know what's happening, Evan grabs my side's and flips me over onto his lap. I scream and he covers my mouth. I look up at him. "Someone's gonna call the cops if you scream like that!" He says with a laugh, I start laughing too.

   "What are they gonna do? Send us a noise complaint?" I sit up on his lap. We both stop laughing after a while and look into each other's eyes. The blush finding it's way right back to our cheeks.

   Slowly, and barely noticeably, Evan begins to lean in. I do too. I stop when our lips brush against another, ever so lightly. But apparently, that wasn't enough for him. He slams his lips into mine. I feel the sparks fly, and there are fireworks in my brain.

   Our lips move in sync. My hands in his hair, pushing his hat off his head, and his on my hips as I move to sort of straddle him on the chair. The need for air becomes too great after a bit and we pull apart.

   "So you love me?" I ask again, smirking.

   "Isn't it obvious?" He breathes.

   "I suppose..." I say, trailing off on purpose. He smiles, before kissing me again.

   "Now, let's get fishing!" Evan stands slowly, picking me up. He sets me down in my own chair before sitting on his again.


a/n ~ So hai. Do you like my new little outro? Ummm, so I saw you... yes you, the reader, you know who I'm talking about... wanted a part 2 with David where you two run away together. I'm am here to answer your prayers (not really) and give you that part two........ later.


Till next time my plushies,

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