I AM WILDCAT-- Road Trip

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a/n ~ So I'm making you wait more for part two with Nogla. Sorry! I'm still thinking of how it's going to play out. BUT!! I have this one shot to hold ya over till it comes out which, btw, is going to be the next one I publish. I PROMISE!! P.S. that truck up there is yours... in the one shot... do you like it?

• Prompt: none
• Warnings: swearing??

• Reader Gender: female (*eyeroll*)


   I look out the window and see him pull into the driveway. I smile, rushing to put on my (F/C) converse and get my suitcase. He opens the door and I jump on him, taking his face in my hands and kissing him all over. He stumbles to hold me up.

   "I missed you!" I say wrapping my arms around his neck. He puts me down on the ground but I don't let go so he has to lean down because of our height difference.

   "Sorry, puppy. But, I wasn't gone for that long." Tyler laughs, hugging me back so I'd let him go. He steps past me to the kitchen and sets the plastic bags down on the counter.

   "Yes, you were! It felt like it took you forever." I say, hopping up to sit on the counter, next to the bags.

   "I'm sorry for making sure I got everything you wanted." He says and looks at me with a slight smirk. "You could have come with me you know."

   "I wanted to clean up the house a little bit and finish packing," I state, crossing my arms. He empties the last bag and I hop off the counter, taking everything I'd requested. I turn to leave but Tyler grabs my hips and pulls me back into him.

   "Where are you going?" He purrs in my ear. I feel his lips press against my neck.

   "To put these things in my suitcase." I shimmy out of his light grip and walk over to my suitcase, unzipping the front two pockets and stuffing the things into them. A mini bottle of shampoo and a mini bottle of conditioner, deodorant, a couple of personal items (if you catch my drift), and some perfume I wanted.

   I feel Tyler's presence behind me as I stand. I spin on my heals and face him. "Okay, I'm done." I smile and he pulls me into him.

   "Good." He buries his face into my neck and I feel his lips brush against my skin. I put my hands on his chest and push, he stumbles back from me. He gives me a pouty face.

   "We gotta leave in five minutes if we want to get to the hotel when everyone else does," I say in a serious tone.

   "That gives us four minutes of fun!" He smirks walking towards me again. "What do ya say?"

   "No, no, no!" I step back from him, laughing. "And, you say I missed you too much." I grab my suitcase and run out the door to his car, him chasing me.

   "(Y/N) come back here!" He calls. I weave around his car and get to my truck. I open the back door and chuck my suitcase onto the seat. Tyler grabs my waist and lifts me up onto his shoulder. I laugh and kick my legs.

   I hear a grunt and Tyler drops me, falling to the ground. "Oh shit!" I cry out. "I'm so, so sorry!"

   "You fucking kicked me straight in the..." He squints his eyes and lays his head back onto the cement. He sighs.

   I kneel down next to him and kiss his nose. "I'm very sorry. Will you still be able to make babies?" I ask the question in a five-year-old voice to make him laugh, I smile when I hear a pained one from him.

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