Mini Ladd-- The Move

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a/n ~ This is going to be a tiny bit different. Instead of first person, it's in second person. So instead of I and me, there will be you and such. OK... bye. Oh and P.S. (H/S) = home state.

• Prompt: none
• Warnings: none (it says heck once???)
• Reader Gender: female (smh old me...)


   You stand in the middle of your apartment. It looks so lonely without your furniture and decor. You almost don't want to leave your small town. You've lived here your whole life up until now. You're moving to LA for the warmer weather and possibly to find a new job. Your mom walks in and shakes her head at you when you turn around.

   "The movers just left to LA. Are you sure you want to do this?" She asks and you nod.

   "Yeah, it's not like I'll never come back." You say and it's her turn to nod. 

   "Well, you can't come back if you don't ever leave." She laughs. "Now let's get going, your flight's in a few hours." You have to drive to the main airport in the area which is a couple hours away.

   She takes your hand and you both go down to her car. You still are slightly in debt from college so you don't have a car yet. You get in and turn the radio to your favorite station and begin jamming out to the song that's on. Your mom laughs at you as she pulls out of the parking lot, beginning your trip.


   You finally find a parking spot in the large parking ramp. Your mom pops the trunk and you take out your essentials and carry-on bag out of it, then close it again. Your mom locks the car and you walk to the stairs that'll take you down into the airport.

   Once there, you go to the desk to get checked in. The lady begins asking questions that you really aren't in the mood for, and you don't know the answer to, so you give your mom a look of uncertainty. She nods and starts answering them.

   You decide to walk around and look at the super small shops lining the wall, once at a souvenir shop, you hear a random girl screech from behind you and you whip your head around to see a girl hugging a guy and telling him she's a huge fan. She takes out her phone and begins taking photos with him. You look at him, he has bright pink hair and thin-rimmed glasses. His hair is slightly showing his roots which are a dirty blonde. He's wearing jeans and a tight t-shirt that shows you he goes to the gym. You look him up and down one more time. He's kinda cute, you think to yourself, a smile slowly forming your lips. 

   The girl doesn't leave him alone, she just keeps talking and talking. Your smile begins to fade as you get annoyed by her, even though she's not even talking to you. You can tell he's drifting in and out of focus listening. He looks around the airport and his eyes land on you, you see him chuckle slightly at your expression. He looks back at the girl, telling her a couple things before walking towards you. She looks depressed he's leaving her.

   "Hey," He says once he gets closer. "Saw that did you?"

   "Yeah, she looked really annoying you." You say, peeking around his shoulder to see her shooting daggers at you.

   "Eh, I like talking to people. Well, except for the ones who only talk about themselves." He scratches the back of his neck. "Wait, where are my manners? I'm Craig." He holds out his hand and you shake it.

   "(Y/N)." You nod with a smile. "How come she was all over you?"

   "Oh, uh... I have a YouTube channel. It's sorta my job, I play video games."

  "Hmm. I don't usually watch YouTube. I might have to check it out sometime at my new house."

   "You're moving?" He asks, his eyes flash a sadness but it's slightly hidden by his intrigue.

   "Yeah, to LA. There's a whole ton of job opportunities for me. Living in a small town doesn't get you very far, even here in (H/S)."

   "Hey, funny thing! I live in LA as well!" He smiles, a slight laugh in his voice.

   "Really?" You ask. "What's it like?" You want to know as much as you can about it so you don't get lost or anything. You hoped LA would be for you.

   He goes to say something but a lady over the intercom said that your flight was boarding now. You guys say your goodbyes and you walk back to your mom to head to the plane. You stop right before you board and hug her. She has tears in her eyes but she smiles.

   "I can't wait until you come to visit." She sorta whispers and you give her one more hug before boarding. 

   You check your pass and find your seat, putting your essentials bag above you and your carry-on under your seat. You get a window seat which makes you happy, you love the window seats. Out the corner of your eye, you see a familiar pink head of hair. You begin smiling. You turn right as Craig stops at your row. An even wider smile comes across your face when he says his seat is the one next to yours.

   "Well hello, stranger." You say as he sits down. You two strike up a conversation and pretty much talk the whole flight, except for the one nap you have. It was perfect.


   The plane begins its descent and you yawn to keep your ears from popping. Craig looks at you weirdly before grabbing his ears with a pained expression. You laugh at him and he glares slightly.

   Once off the plane, you two say your goodbyes again but this time he gives you his Snapchat and phone number. 

   He walks off to call an Uber and you hail a cab. You set your bags inside and hop in, telling the driver the address of your apartment complex. He nods and drives off.

   You look out the window and your phone buzzes. You look down.

   Snapchat from : Craig

   You smile as you open it. It's a picture of him making a weird face in the back of his Uber driver's car. It says 'hey gurrl'. You laugh and the cab driver looks at you sideways in the mirror.

   "I'm talking to a friend." You say and he nods concentrating on the road.

   You put on the dog filter and take a picture. You type 'wassup boo' and send it, then suddenly regret it... who the HECK says 'wassup boo' anymore?! AND THE DOG FILTER??

   He snaps you back with the dog filter and you smile, glad you didn't weird him out. It says 'nothin much, hbu?'. 

   You two continue to snap until the driver says you're at your destination. You pay him and get out, taking your bags with you, your phone in your pocket. A car pulls up behind the cab as you close the door. You put your carry-on bag up on your shoulders and grab your essentials bag.

   "Well hello, stranger." Craig. You see him getting out of the car behind you.

   "Hello indeed."


a/n ~ Yeah I know this is shitty.... sorry!!!

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