Smii7y-- Weather

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Thunder rumbles in the distance and I hug my throw pillow tighter to my chest, resting my head on it as I watch the rain stream down the glass in intricate rivulets. I stare out my bay window with a sigh, the weather matches my mood. Sulky. A small knock on my front door makes me jump. I slowly walk out of my office and down the hall. I open my front door and stare at the male who just decided to appear in the middle of a storm. His clothes are drenched and his hair is stuck to his face which is covered in shadows. His whole body shakes in the cool air. He's about to say something when a flash of lightning snaps me out of my trance and I begin shoving him inside, much to his surprise.

"If you thought I wasn't going to let you the fuck inside, you're very mistaken my friend," I say shoving him into my bathroom next. He turns around and is about to say something again but I leave before he can, heading to my bedroom. I grab a pair of my dad's old high school football team sweatpants and one of his giant t-shirts. I stole them from him the last time I went over to his house, don't judge me. He's about to step out of the bathroom when I throw the clothes I'd gathered at his chest. He grabs them and stares at me. "They're my dad's. Hang your clothes in the shower and change. There are towels in the cupboard next to the toilet." He nods, a small smile on his lips. I interrupt him another time by shoving him further into my bathroom. "Come on, hurry up and warm yourself before you get sick! Take a shower too, if you want to." I walk out and close the door behind me.

I head to the kitchen to make him some hot chocolate. My mood lightens a bit when I realize I have company. The first visitor in a long while. I've missed having someone to talk to, it's been forever since I last went to see my parents or made an effort to talk to other human beings. My parents and I make plans but they always turn out to be busy, weddings or they have to work are a couple examples. I take my kettle out of the counter cupboard and fill it with milk, I always make hot chocolate with milk. I set it on the stove and turn on the burner, a little blue flame flickers to life, licking the bottom of the kettle lightly. I scoop out some cocoa powder from my giant tub and dump it into a mug. It's a little novelty one I got from my old friend Teddy. It's white with the words "I'm kinda a big dill" and the handle is a green, bumpy, dill pickle. I cried laughing when she gave it to me.

The kettle begins screaming for me to take it off the burner, the milk inside it is the perfect temperature. I take it off and pour the scalding hot milk into the mug, steam billowing out the top. I take out a straw and stir the cup, mixing the cocoa powder in with the milk. I add a handful of tiny marshmallows and spray some Reddi-Whip onto the top, just for good measure. Once I'm done, which is perfect timing, the bathroom door opens. The mysterious, storm-fighting, male steps out, drying his black hair with a towel. I step in front of him and hold out the mug with a smile. He takes it slowly, the towel around his shoulders now. His hair is a complete mess but I don't tell him, it looks a bit cute this way. He nods and this time I don't stop him from speaking. 

"Thank you," He says before licking some whipped cream from the top of the hot chocolate. I give him a wide smile before a silence fills the air. He takes a sip from his straw, most likely burning his tongue. If it did, he didn't show it because he smiles back at me. "Uh, my name's Smitty."

"(Y/N)." I hold out my hand and he shakes it. A clap of thunder booms through the house, shaking the walls and window panes. I jump slightly, my heart now pounding in my chest. The sound of rain begins pounding on the roof, creating a soothing drumming sound. I laugh out loud at myself before slapping a hand over my mouth. "Sorry, excuse my laugh, it's a bit obnoxious."

He shakes his head, swallowing another sip of hot chocolate. "It's totally fine, besides, your laugh is quite cute if I say so myself." Another smile comes from me except this one is a timid smile. The kind you give to grocery store clerks when the ask you about your day while the ring up your items. My stomach flutters and I shake it off.

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