BasicallyIDoWrk-- Relationship Advice

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Marcel's P.O.V.

Things have been rough lately. My channel decided to blow up in one night, giving me twenty million subs and making me feel the need to upload more. Simone said it was causing a strain on our relationship, but I didn't listen. I thought we were just fine where we were, deeply in love. Soon I spent more and more time recording and editing and less and less time with Simone.

Last night we fought. It was big. In the end she left saying we needed to take a break and see where some alone time would take us. I realised I fucked up, I tried to tell her that that didn't need to happen, that I could spend as much time with her as she wanted but that made her cry. I didn't want to be the reason she cried and it hurt me to know that I was.

Now I'm laying in bed, staring at the ceiling fan that's slowly spinning like it's the most interesting thing in the world. Tears stain the sides of my face and my eyes sting from being so dry. I miss her so much. Too much, some would say. I sit up and check the time on my phone. I have millions of notifications and I ignore them. I don't want to do anything. I flop back down when I see the time, four o'clock in the morning.

My phone rings and I don't make a move to answer it, letting it go to voicemail. As soon as it stops ringing, a couple seconds later it goes off again. Who the hell thinks it's okay to call a man at four in the morning? Why are they so persistent? This time I answer it. "Yes?" My voice cracks and my throat is dry.

"Marcel?" (Y/N) is on the other end of the call, she sounds worried. "You haven't talked to be since ten in the morning yesterday. Are you okay? Do I need to come over?" She lives down the block and could easily be here in under a minute. She's been my best friend for a while now.

"I'm fine, really." I say, trying to cover up the pain in my voice. I hear shuffling on the other end before a door closes.

"You're not. I'm on my way." She hangs up before I can protest and I set my phone down. 

In a matter of seconds I hear my front door open and close and footsteps come down the hall to my bedroom. She appears in the doorway with a stern look on her face, she's wearing my BasicallyIDoWrk sweatshirt even though it's usually seventy to eighty degrees in the summer in Florida. "What the hell happened?" She asks, crossing her arms.

"Simone said we needed a break last night because she says I've been too busy with YouTube lately." I sit up on the bed and rest my back on the pillows behind me. Her face softens and she sits at the end of my bed, crossing her legs.

"And have you?" She asks and I look at her sideways.


"Have you been too busy with YouTube recently?" She asks again.

I shrug. "I guess. I mean, I realise it now that I spent too little time with her to keep up with the new demands for videos each day. But I never saw it until she yelled at me. I dunno what will happen while we are on this 'break'." I use air quotations when I say break. Honestly, I hope to God that she doesn't say she found someone else while she was away from me.

"Did you apologise to her?"

"Yes. Multiple times. But she didn't listen she just shook her head and said it's for the better. She said she needed to get away for a bit and said that I just need to focus on my career at the moment." I feel tears start to form in the corners of my eyes. I didn't think I could cry anymore but here I am, about to bawl my eyes out. A tear slips out. "And- and I don't need to focus on YouTube. I want her to be here with me so I can make it up to her. I love her, (Y/N). I-I don't want to lose her."

"Then don't." Her comment confuses me.

"How?" I ask, starting to sound angry. "I don't know where she went! She could be off trying out other men for all I know!" She slaps my arm and points at me, taking me by surprise.

"Don't you EVER say that Simone would do such a thing." Her voice has grown cold, instead of being the comforting tone it just was. "She loves you and right now she's going through a hard time. Have you ever thought at least once that she may not think you love her anymore because you haven't showed her any affection in a while?" I blink at her reaction. I take what she said into consideration, was I that bad? "Now." She lifts me off of the bed by the collar of my t-shirt. "You go look for her, find her, give her the best goddamn night of her life, show her you mean it when you say you love her, AND relax on working on YouTube because if your subs truly care about you they will understand if you take some personal time off." 

I blink. I've never seen this side of (Y/N), I nod, scared that she'll hurt me and rush off to go and search for my love and prove it to her that she is the one.

Your P.O.V.

He blinks at me before nodding and running off. I hear his front door open and close before the house goes silent. I dust my hands off and put them on my hips. I let my dorky self show through as I talk to myself. "Oh, great job me." I change my voice and turn to the side. "Why thank you me, I do my best." I laugh before heading back home, texting Simone to go to the Starbucks we always meet at, she agrees saying she has some things to get off her mine. Little does she know I won't be the one meeting her. I smile as I then text Marcel to pick me up a coffee while he's out from my favorite Starbucks place. He answers okay but I can tell he's probably slightly annoyed.

Phase Two has started. I laugh as I fully prepare myself for the mission of getting my OTP back together.


Wow, reader, you are the bestest goddamn friend I've ever seen! I'm so proud of you for being you. Hehe.

~Del~ Marcel and Simone were fighting?

I thought you said you were going to sleep until I wrote about you?
~Del~ I'm not tired anymore. Plus, you being next to me in bed next to me doesn't help. *leans close to me*

*pushes him away* Oh hush! I'm busy at the moment.

~Del~ *pouts* come on Teddy!

Hey! A single lady's gotta do what a single lady's got to do!
~Del~ But you're not single!!! You're mine! *wraps arms around my waist*

Correction, the reader is yours. *tries to step away* Jonty, I want to work in peace!

~Del~ *tightens grip* No. You are not moving. 

*sighs* Fine.

~Del~ Yesssss. I knew you couldn't say no to me!

Anyhoodini! Jonty's being real annoying BUT leave a comment, tell me whatcha think! Let it be love or hate I take it all with the greatest finesse you've ever seen! Feel free to vote if you like what I do. BUT I'M NOT FORCING YOU TO! I'm nice like that.

With Love,Teddy Bear

~Del~ BAI!!

*another sigh from me*

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