I AM WILDCAT -- Don't Flirt

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LA is boring, well so far at least. I mean it's busy and sometimes fun to watch everyone go about their days but I was expecting more when I flew over from London to see Craig, my fraternal twin brother. I watch multiple people chat as they walk down the sidewalk with us. A group of guys, three to be exact, stare at me as I walk by and I wink at them, causing them to slap each other's arms and fight over who it was that I had winked directly to.

I feel a stinging sensation on my arm and I jump, turning to see Craig shoot daggers at me with his eyes. "What?!" I ask, glaring at him and rubbing my arm.

"Knock it off!" He hisses at me and I roll my eyes. I'm a grown woman, only one minute younger than him, and he thinks I'm a baby. He treats me like his twelve-year-old sister instead of twenty-two year old. "You need to be on your best behavior when we meet my friends later."

"Okay, whatever. They're just boys Craig." I mumble and continue walking, listening to him drone on about what we're going to do before we go to lunch with a few of his friends. I hate that I can't do anything fun when I have helicopter Mini hanging around.

Another guy walks by and I feel his eyes on me. I desperately want to wave to him, at least give him something to smile about for the day. I mean come on! It's not like I'm gonna take them home and have a one night stand! I turn back while walking to see him still staring at me. I smile at him and wink.

Another sting from Craig. "Dear lord, Craig! Can't I have fun?!"


We ended up going shopping and then hung out until noon rolled around. He leads me out towards an Uber he called, I had dressed nicely since he told me to. He had bought me the outfit while we went shopping and made sure I was mostly covered.

I wore a black, sparkly tank top with a maroon shall and plain black tights. I wore black flats as well since they were the only "fancy" shoes I had packed.

We hop into the Uber and the driver greets us, Craig knows me too well and it's a female, before driving us to the restaurant Craig says. Republique is what it's called. I looked it up and it's an upscale French restaurant with a four and a half star rating. I looked at pictures the place had up on Google and it looks amazing. It has a mini bakery and a cocktail bar.

After a while, she pulls up and we get out, Craig paying her from his phone. I quickly take out my phone and hold it up in front of us. He smiles and I take the picture. Hey, if I can't flirt with guys why not hang out with my twin brother? I post it onto my Snapchat story from my gallery and then put it on my Instagram, captioning it "lunch with my twin" and since many of Craig's subscribers had followed me, they like it quickly.

We pause at the door and Craig turns to me with a serious expression. "I need you to promise me something," He begins and I raise my eyebrows for him to continue. "do NOT flirt with any of my friends, please. It'd be weird and awkward."

I nod, smiling. "Don't worry, Craig. I've already given up on flirting. I think you slapping me whenever I did before is a good enough warning." He chuckles. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to be all sweet and shy either," I add, making his face become serious again. "Also, if I can't flirt, you can't treat me like a baby alright?" I hold out my hand and he looks at it questioningly. "Deal?"

"Fine, deal." He reluctantly shakes my hand. "But if I catch you doing anything that might lead to flirting, the deal's off."

We walk in and the spontaneous air consumes us, people chatting, laughing, eating. The smell of food, pastries, and bread fills the room. The sounds of glasses clinking, forks or spoons scraping on bowls and plates. I take a deep breath and it seems to calm me being here. Four men walk up to us with smiles. Two fairly tall males, one with pale skin and brownish black hair, the other with slightly tan skin and dirty blonde hair. I recognize the brunette and I smile at him, it's David, we don't talk much so we're not as close. He smiles back. The other one I don't know, the dirty blonde. Another stands next to David, he looks to be of Asian decent with slightly tan skin and raven colored hair. I can't put my finger on it but his name is on the tip of my tongue. The last one I already know, Brian.

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