Daithi De Nogla-- You Help Me

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a/n ~ I just saw my reads and I'm super happy!! I'm so glad people actually like my stuff... hehe. I'm super happy thanks... anyways... go ahead, read on. >3<

• Prompt: none
• Warnings: swearing, abuse, bullying

• Reader Gender: female


   I walk out of school as soon as the last bell rings. My (f/c) bag stuffed full of homework. The sun is warm and soft on my skin, I carry my coat on my arm. I look around at the trees and the leaves that are beginning to change their colors. It's a beautiful fall day, better than the cold ones we've been having. I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth, feeling calm.

   Snickers come from behind me. I turn but before I can see who it is, I trip from someone's leg sticking out in front of me. I can't catch myself in time and hit the cement hard, the force of impact knocks the breath out of me. I gain scrapes on my cheek and hands. Tears start trickling out of my eyes.

   "Wow, you're such a clutz!" Some girl laughs at me, the other two nod at me and hide their smiles behind their hands, whispering as well. "Let me help you up." She holds out her hand. I go to grab it but she pulls it back and I fall again. I grunt at the newer pains I have in my hands. They all laugh harder and leave.

   I shake my head and sit down. I begin picking up my things that fell out of my bag and get my coat. I stand up once I'm done and walk home.


   I walk in the door and the smell of alcohol consumes me. Great, Dad's drunk again. I close the door silently and tiptoe to the stairs.

   "There you are!" He slurs loudly and I freeze, slowly turning around. "Why are you home so late?"

   "I got caught up in-"

   "I don't care, now give your father a hug!" He holds out his arms. I drag my feet over to him and he wraps his arms around me. I hear him smell my hair and I shiver. He grabs my ass and I pull out of his grip.

   "Dad!" I say disgusted, glaring at him. He just shrugs and laughs with that nasty laugh I hate.

   "Sorry, you just look so much like your mother. She was hot. Real hot." He looks off into space like a teenage boy thinking about some girl. I feel pinpricks on the back of my eyes and I blink, the mention of mom bringing back memories. I think he's gonna leave me alone tonight, which lightens my mood slightly. I start to sneak up the stairs to my room. "Wait, hey!" I stop and curse under my breath. "I'm not done, come here."

   I walk over to him and close my eyes. He kisses me roughly and pulls me close. His breath and kisses taste like whiskey and rum. I whimper but don't move. I know if I try and fight I'll get beat, but something tells me to fight. I try to pull away but he grabs my hair and pulls. Pain rips through my scalp. He lets me go. "There. Now go to your room slut. I can't believe you actually kissed me like that! I'm your father for fuck's sake!" He slaps me before I run upstairs and slam my door, locking it. I throw my bag onto my bed.

   I go to my laptop and open it, starting on my homework. Tears spill out of my eyes, making everything blurry so I just stop. I slide out of my chair and onto the floor, curling into a ball, sobbing my eyes out.

   My phone buzzes from inside my bag. I go to unlock it and see it's a text. It's from David, my best friend. I smile when I read it.

   Him-- I'm at your window, you okay?

   I sit up and sure enough see him on the other side of the glass. I shakily stand and walk over to him, unlocking the window and opening it so he can slip into my room. He pulls me into a hug right away. I cry into his shirt, soaking it.

   "Shh, it's okay. You'll be okay." He rubs circles on my back and I bury my face deeper into his shirt. His cologne covering me like a calming cloud.

   "I-I don't know h-how much more I c-can take." My breathing hitches every few seconds as hiccups rack my body.

   "I'll do my best to help you through it all." He whispers, lifting me up and laying me down on my bed. He tucks me in slowly and goes to get up. I grasp his hand before he can leave. He turns around and I look up at him.

   "Please stay," I whisper, almost like I'm talking to myself. He nods and gets into the bed next to me. I lift the covers for him and he pulls me into his lap. I rest my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. He begins to rub circles on my back again. I feel him kiss my hair. "I love you."

"You love me?" He asks, but I begin to fall asleep before I can answer. His comforting aura pulls me into dreamland.

David's POV

"I love you." She whispers so quietly that I almost don't hear it. Does she love me? Did I just imagine it? Does she love me like a brother?

"You love me?" I ask. She doesn't say anything and her breaths become rhythmic. I hold her close and smile. I wish I could take her away from her life here.  I kiss her forehead and begin to fall asleep as well.


a/n ~ Oh wow look what I did. It stinks, doesn't it? I dunno, it may be cute or something.... anyways!

Merry Christmas Eve or Hanukkah or whatever you celebrate! Hope you have an amazing day!

Good-Bye My Plushies!

Teddy (MARIENADE) wuvs you all! >3<

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