Get to Know Me!!!

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Hey, it me. Let's get to know me yeah?

~Del~ What tis your name m'lady?
Teddy... uh, I've said this many times (jk, not my actual name but who cares)

~Del~ When's your birthday?

 February 1st, same as Harry Styles. My best friend tells me that every year... she loves him.

~Del~ Hair type and color ma'am?
Very frizzy and curly, and it's brown thank you very much.

~Del~ Eye color?

Hazel. It's a mix between blue and green, the center which is closest to my pupil is tanish.

~Del~ Siblings?
I was an only child until a few years ago, my little brother was born. I was so happy! If you have siblings, cherish them! Being an only child was so lonely... might be the reason I'm so shy.

~Del~ Pets?
I have three dogs (two at my dad's house and one at my mom's) and two cats which are at my dad's.

~Del~ Hobbies?

Well, I like to draw, write books, watch nature, read books, play video games, and watch YouTube. I'm not into sports much, I just suck at any and all of them so I never feel like playing them. I do like golf though, I do play sometimes but I sometimes become Nogla... (::)

~Del~ Favorite Colors?

Maroon or Burgundy.

~Del~ Favorite Animal?
I think geckos are adorable so if you buy me one, I might love you forever.

~Del~ Favorite Song or Songs?
Well- hmmm- that's a toughy... I have to say IRobot by Jon Bellion, Shape of You by Ed Sheeran, Rap God by Eminem, and Sour Patch Kids by Bryce Vine would have to be my top four! I do have more, oh so many more...

~Del~ Favorite TV show?
Ghost Adventures is the shit (hehe)

~Del~ Favorite Food or Foods?

Steak, shrimp, pineapple pizza, tacos(on a good day), cereal, ramen, and RICE.

~Del~ Crush on anyone?

Absolutely not. I'm still in my classes and I hate pretty much all of my classmates, they are full of bullshit the lot of them. The people I know are all obsessed with themselves and just make me want to scream. Some are pretty cool though and I'm nice to them.

~Del~ Do you have a favorite in the Banana Bus Squad?

I- uh- I have a couple actually. I really like Del and Ohm... I'd say they'd be my top two at the moment. Smii7y is also one of my favs. 

~Del~ How did you find everyone's channel?
Well I used to be big into Jacksepticeye and watched him all the time, my cousin had introduced him to me. One of his videos I watched had Nogla in it and I liked his laugh so much that I figured that I would check him out. After that I subbed to him and watched a video with him and Mini Ladd, back when he had pink hair (the memories), I then went to his channel and watched a couple of his videos which caused me to sub. After that it spread through until I reached the whole group. 

~Del~ Who's that last person you watched on YouTube?

Just before writing this I watched a vid from Chilled Chaos and he was playing Would You Rather with SeaNanners.

~Del~ What made you start writing these?

I had started reading fanfictions and loved them so much that I figured why not try it out? Now I spend most of my free time doing this and I love it!

~Del~ Fun Facts?
I have glasses and I hate contacts so I don't have them. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who wonders what bleach tastes like. Music has been in my life since I was pretty much born, it means a lot to me. I'm really self conscious and sometimes hate myself for hating myself.

I think that's all for now... if you want to know more just message me or somethin'. I don't mind! Don't be scared haha...

Okay now, Bai Bai!

With Love,
Teddy Bear

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