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First of all, before the story starts, this is @Toonlunykit and my second collaboration together. I love working with her and we hope that you all enjoy the story. 😊

Honoka's P.O.V
The fight was about to begin. Everyone had their battle armor on, now all that's left is to fight. I look over at the demons: they're ugly and they smell. I frown, but seeing Luffy makes it all better. He looks so handsome in his armor.

He looks up at me and smiles! He's so cute! "Oi, vampire-ya get over it, it's time to fight." Law shoved past me to the door. "I'll bite you," I growl at him.

"Please guys, right now we have something more important," Mia stepped in.

"Heh. Hey Law, try not to die out there. Remember if you die, I die, and I'm not ready to die yet," Valerie said.

"Funny, I should be saying that to you. Let's get on with it then. Mason open the door." Law orders.

"Right away! Valerie I promise to protect you with my life in order to make sure nothing happens to Law or you."

"Just shut up and open the door," Valerie said.

"Wow you demons sure know how to pass out a good opportunity." I roll my eyes and wrap my arm around Luffy.

"This is slightly uncomfortable." He says looking at me. Then he links our arms together! Internally swoon.

"Are all of you ready," Mia asks everyone.

"Yes!" They all say in unison.

Law takes out his sword, "Mason open the damn door!"

"Oh, oh, oh right! Sorry, sorry!"

The door opens and I see the army of demons! Oh man, I hope the other vampires got word of this or we are on are own. "Let's GO!" Luffy shouts and lets go of my arm, charging forward!

I go after him, damn him! Law makes a large 'Room' and sliced a few dozen demons. Show off! I turn into my giant bat form and make my wind attack! The wind howls and spins like a tornado. Another bat flies next to me helping me create the tornado bigger! Yes my allies are here!

Luffy was fighting brilliantly. Ah~ I get a smack in the face! Ow! I look and see Law shaking his head. Oh I'm so killing him after this!

Valerie and Mason ran together charging into the giant circle of demons. She made an unexpected stop while Mason kept going. She held her arms out on the sides, palms facing up. The electricity that was running through her filled up her hands and spread out through the field. Mason looked up at one of her electric streaks and iced it. At that moment, the electric ice bolt tore through three demons.

"You're not such a softie after all," Valerie commented.

"Only a softie for you," Mason said.

"Don't push it."

Mia was standing just as still as possible. It was a little irritating considering we were doing most of the work but I figured she had a plan. Ten demons surrounded her. She closed her eyes still standing as still as a statue. One of them came rushing into her and stopped suddenly and was slowly lifted in the air. She opened her eyes, her left arm sticking out and her right hand holding onto her staff tightly. She balled her left hand in a fist and the demon in front of her was crushed. The other demons were scared and she did the same to all of them without extending her arm. They started floating up out of nowhere and poof, exploded.

Everyone was fighting then I saw a large red demon! It was the size of a giant! Alright, I have to control his blood. I close my eyes and concentrate on his blood, breathing and heart beat.

Bloody Hearts: Vampires vs DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now