Chapter 10: The truth shall set you free

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Mia's P.O.V.

So-Ming and I woke up extra early and I noticed that Law was already gone. Well, I already knew he was. I made her breakfast and we went out to the fair.

“Aren't you just excited about today,” I asked her. I haven't been to a fair myself in such a long time.

“Yeah! It's going to be tons of FUN! Daddy only took me to fairs at night. But we only got on the really big rides. He said it was safer for me because all his friends were there. Once dad got me a teddy!” She babbled, but it was adorable babbling.

“Oh So-Ming… Well you and I are going to have way more fun because there are all sizes of rides for you to get on.”

“I can't wait mommy!” She holds my hand tightly. There was a lot of people in the fair today. Mostly demons and monsters.

“Be careful okay, and stay close to me. If anything happens to you… I'd go crazy.”

“Yes ma’am,” she jumps up and down happily.

My heart was racing seeing everyone here and I still hadn't taken those pills Chopper gave to me. I'm not going to take them anyway. I don't need them. I let So-Ming run around while I still had my eyes on her. The first ride she got on was this giant head that turns around in circles. It's like one of those static rides…

“You wanna go in that?”

“It looks scary mommy.” She hugs my leg. “Can we go to the tea cup one? They spin around it looks like fun!” She points.

“Yes! That would be much better,” I say with relief trying to hide it from her.

We walk to the tea cups and sit inside. I'm having flashbacks about this place… Oh boy.

“Ready So-Ming? You're going to have so much fun,” I say sitting next to her.

She slams her hands on the wheel impatiently, she has a Beautiful smile on her face. “Let's go,”

Who could refuse a face like this? We spin the wheel of the tea cups… my stomach started to feel like it was boiling chili on the inside… I ignored the feeling. We went faster and faster, around and around…. All this spinning…

“Weee! YAHOOO! Mommy more more, oh let's go play darts after..mommy? Momma you okay?”

I think I'm going to be sick… “Never better honey, never better. Let's dash to the darts!”

We run over there, her in front of me and finally make it at the darts. “I want the rubber duckies. Hey mister, how many balloons do we have to pop to get the ducks?” So-Ming asks sweetly.

“The ducks? Hm about 10.” The man says.

“Ha! We can do 10 no problem can't we So-Ming?”

“Okay here you go ladies 14 darts, best of luck to ya.” The man says giving us the darts. So-Ming swipes the card to pay the man.


She nods her head and threw her first dart. She missed. Then on her second try she hit two! “Ah! Did you see mommy,did you see!” She giggled.

“Yeah, You're amazing!” I threw one too and hit one of the balloons then missed the second.

So-Ming threw the rest of them all at once! She hit at least 15 of them! “It worked!”

The man gave her the ducks she wanted. She was so happy and so excited. I let her run around some more to see which ride she wanted to get on next. There were these logs that went through the water. Hm?

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