Chapter 42: Valerie's Family

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Valerie's P.O.V.

“I'm home,” Mason says at the door.

I was cooking and I wasn't going to stop. Yes, I let him in, and yes we are still together. I had to give him a little beat down do he could understand never to shred me to pieces again.

“Hey,” he says with a peck of the cheek. “Smells good in here.”

“Hm, I'm glad you think so. My younger sisters are coming as well as my dad… I figured it's time for you to meet them…”

“I didn't know you had sisters or a dad,” he says.

“No one does.”

I finished cooking and soon after there was a knock on the door. I saw my younger sisters and my dad. Letting them in, I stop my dad. He had a cigarette and I don't allow smoking in my house.

“Family, this is Mason, my boyfriend… Mason, this is Chisana, Noni, and my dad.”

At first glance, we wouldn't look like we're related. Only Noni and I have similar skin tones which we get from our mom. Chisana was adopted and my dad is a bounty hunter who just so happened to plant his seeds in the right place…

“Hi,” Mason nervously waved.

“You're the guy that my daughter is dating? Hmph. How did you survive for this long,” my dad comments.


“I'm just saying, the Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. You're a tough cookie to break,” my dad says shaking Mason's hand.

“You're kinda cute,” Chisana commented.

“Oh, thanks,” Mason said.

Noni didn't say anything. She was too busy messing with her damn device that I told her not to bring!

I took everyone to the table. In this family, we don't cut food for everyone, we let everyone get whatever they want and however much they want.

I sat at one end and my dad sat at the other. Everyone was eating.

“So Mason, you didn't get to answer my question. Although I don't really care about that anymore. Did this kid, kick your ass, be honest.”

Seriously? If I could kick him I would.

“Yeah she did. She didn't hold back either. Luckily I'm a vampire, my body regenerates rather quickly,” he said in a joking manner.

“I knew it. Dammit kid, why can't you just try to be like me for once? Your mother has just gotten so deep in you, how old are you now anyway?”

“Dad really? I'm only in my 200s.”

“And you're still from Virginia,” he says. “I'm not trying to rush you two, but when will I get a grandchild?”

“Never on your old ass life,” I said.

“Daddy, what does being from Virginia mean,” Chisana asked.

“Well honey, it's like those puzzle pieces you play with you see ever end has an opening for another end to connect to it and--”

“UGH! DAD SHUT UP,” Noni yelled and banged her hands on the table.

“She asked.”

“Just stop talking, please!”

“Thank you Noni, we have food in our faces for a reason dad,” I said.

He looked at Mason. Mason's cheeks were full of food. “Women huh? Such cranky and emotional creatures.”

“But I thought women were so bodacious and voluptuous--,” Chisana started.

“Ep, ep… never mind that. Eat your food kid,” Dad said to her.

She turned and kept eating. Dad and Mason were actually very comfortable with each other. Noni finished her food and dismissed herself to the couch. Chisana face planted in her food…

I got up and put my plate in the sink and went to Noni. She was being unusual.

“Hey, what's wrong,” I ask her.

“It's just dad. Valerie, I'm getting older and I want a boyfriend but I can't have one because of dad. I want to be like you and run away the same way you did.”

“No, Noni. You don't want to be like me. I made a mistake by running away but I am the oldest for a reason. So what handsome devil do you have your sights set on?”

“His name is Iseki. He's so incredibly handsome but dad won't allow for it to happen,” she said sitting like a brat.

“Well, dad's words go. Mom isn't around and I can't make decisions for you either,” I said.

“And he's always talking about sex! I wish he'd get laid already so Chisana can stop asking stupid questions.”

“I sort of feel like you're having middle child syndrome,” I say.

“Maybe I am, who knows. Sometimes he forgets about me…. I just want to grow up already.”

“Don't rush things. I know dad seems like the kind of guy that doesn't care because he smokes all day but, believe me, deep down he cares. Now you can either turn the TV on, or you can come back to the table.”

“And be with dad? No way!”

I shrugged and sat back down at the table. Chisana raised her head up and wiped her face and politely went to sleep on the couch… “I'm getting sleepy myself,” Dad said. “But first I need a smoke.”

He went outside. I looked at Mason.

“Your Dad seems…”

“Don't say it I know. Let's just join everyone else.”

“Valerie… before we do I just want you to know that I am desperately sorry that I made your life hell last year and I wish I would have been a better boyfriend… I don't deserve you,” he put his head down.

What a baby. “Will you get over it, it was a year ago and I kicked your ass for it too. Don't worry, if you want to do it again, I can kick your ass plenty of times,” I said with a smirk.

“No thanks. One time is enough.”

I shook my head and hugged him. We don't get these moments that often. I grabbed his hand and lead him to the couch where my sisters were sleeping… ugh!


Noni woke up. “Ugh… fine.” She grabbed Chisana and headed to one of the back rooms. Dad came back in, he smelled like smoke.

“I'm taking a nap. Goodnight Kid.”

“It's afternoon,” I say.

“Yeah, whatever kid.”

Mason and I sighed. We watched the TV.

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