Chapter 68: No More Grudge

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Valerie's POV

It's been a while. Overtime, I have calmed and Mason and I are even about to start a family together. Turns out I'm three months already and we're having twins. A girl and a boy. I wanted my girl to be named Brandi but Mason wanted her to be named Reina… I don't know, I kinda don't like Reina. Whatever.

On top of about to have a couple babies, we haven't really talked to anyone either. Of course Law's family with an exception of Mia wouldn't want to see me or even speak to me and I haven't seen Evee or Levi around either. It's been… quiet.

“Hey Valerie, we have to be at the doctors within an hour. How are you feeling,” Mason asks softly pressing his hand against my rather large stomach.

“Nothing I can't handle.”

It would seem that traveling by portal is the in thing so we're doing it too. We made it to this other hospital where all demons go. A lot of the demons here aren't too fond of Mason but he doesn't care. It seems that I'm his full attention.

We walked up to the desk. “My woman is about to give birth pretty soon and we need a room fast,” Mason says.

The desk woman took us up. I really hate this. We were at room 119. She directed me to lay on the bed and get ready. She gave Mason some clothes and she took my clothes off.

“The doctor will be with you shortly. Is anyone else coming,” the desk woman asks.

“No, it's just us.”

My dad and my younger sisters went back to their home three cities away and there really isn't anyone for us. I don't care and Mason doesn't really seem to either. He rubbed my head.

“You're going to be fine. Our beautiful babies will be in this world soon and we'll be a real family,” he said.

I was breathing in and out. The doctor came in. I guess it was time for everything to get started.


After so many hours, our twins Brandi and Riley were finally here. Brandi had the most beautiful light grey eyes like me and Riley had blue eyes like Mason. The doctor said I could leave as soon as I heal which will be, according to him, the next hour.

Mason was holding Brandi, wouldn't take his eyes off of her. Riley was asleep on me.

“I wish we had people here with us,” Mason says still staring at Brandi.

“It can't be helped and it doesn't matter. Just like you said, we're a family now. We have my dad and my sisters,” I say.

So-Mings P.O.V

Mom send me to take flowers for Valerie. Well go for her I guess. On the bright side my chest started to fill in nicely. I was at B36, not half bad. Mom said they would grow more.

I see the room Valerie is in and I think of all the stuff that can go wrong. “You can do this me.” I say to myself.

I take a deep breath and turn the doorknob. I walk right in. I see Valerie on the bed Mason looking down at his bundle of joy. Then I notice the other kid that, I can only assume is Valerie's side of the family.

“Hey! Congratulations from my whole family.” I say and put the flower basket on a table.

“So-Ming, you've gotten so big,” Mason says.

“Thanks kid,” Valerie says.

I smile at Mason and think it's time to stop holding a grudge. I look at Valerie and nod. “I forgive you.”

“Thanks? For what? It's been some time,” she says.

The baby she's holding starts to wake up. “Guess I should have explained. I forgive you for manipulating my mom. For ruining us for a small time.” I say.

Mason looked over at Valerie with an emotionless face. She sighed. “I've done some pretty bad things in my past and it takes some time to recuperate but I am sorry. I admit it is kind of weird that you're bringing me flowers and I'm pretty sure you don't want to but you are Mia’s kid,” she nodded

“It could be Law,” Mason said.

“Wouldn't believe that ever.” She sighed again. “Thanks So-Ming… really.” She picked up her baby and held him close to her, then she closed her eyes.

“Thanks So-Ming. By the way, how did you even know we were here? We haven't talked to anyone,” Mason said.

“Mommy knows all.” I say. It was like her super power.  I should go. “So what are their names?” I ask looking down at the baby.

It was so cute and tiny, the blanket was blue. Guess it was a boy. “This baby here in my arms is Brandi and in Valerie’s arms is Riley. Brandi is the oldest… I'm pretty sure the Mistress wants you to get back to her so… you should go,” Mason said.

Yeah knowing mom she would want me home. “Yeah, well see ya. Bye babies.” I wave and left the room and teleport home.


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