Chapter 11: We're pregnant...again?

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So-Mings P.O.V

“Morning kid, ready to go?” West wakes me up.

“West it's too early,” I whine. This bed is to warm and fluffy to leave.

He picked me up and put me in his shoulders. “Here we go!” He smiles happily. We made it to the fair, a few of the workers were opening up. West says that for sure Mommy will be back.

Then I see dad! “DADDY!” I scream and wave. He looks around and sees me.

“Where? I don't see him. Oh now I do!” West rushes over to dad. I see mom behind him. “Mommy!” I start feeling so happy I want to cry. My nose starts running.

Mommy runs over to me and takes me off of West’s shoulders and squeezes me tightly. “So-Ming, I missed you so much!!”

I start crying again. I hug her tightly.

“Why was she on your shoulders?” Dad asks West.

“Well sir, it was so she could find you easier. Plus she smiled more when I did. Well, take care now.” West bows to Mom and dad.

“No! Hug. Can I get a hug?” I rub my eyes.

Mommy let's me down. She walks back to daddy and put her head on his shoulder. “We're watching you. It's okay.”

“Uh okay...okay bye So-Ming see ya, never?” West say! I hug him. “NOOO!”

“AHHHHHIDONTKNOWAHHHH!” He starts screaming.

“Uh… Law…”

“Let go of my daughter,” Dad says in a terrifying tone. West let's go of me. I try to keep him from leaving by holding his leg, but dad got me.

“West,” I call to him. He just waves. “Well bye.” With that he walked away.

“Did you enjoy yourself with your new friend,” Mommy asks. “Next time I'm going in with you.”

“Sounds good to me,” I say. I look up at her. “You guys aren't mad at me right?” I ask.

“No not mad.” Dad says.

“We're relieved to have you back. We were worried sick about you.”

“I really missed you guys.” I say. “Can I marry him?”

“WHAT?” Dad looks at me.

“Maybe if you meet him again and he's nice to you and he does nice things for you and-- I-I mean… you have to make sure daddy doesn't kill him first.”

“He's probably 200 years old or more!” Daddy shouts.

“He's 116,” I say in his defense.

“Oh that's wonderful honey,” Mommy says. “Um… could you and daddy excuse me for a moment I need to go to the restroom.”

“Okay!” I say.

Mommy goes off, I look at dad and smile. “No boyfriends! Ever.” Dad looks at me.

“WHY?” I pout. He pinched my nose! “Don't yell at me.”

Mommy came back from the restroom. She was holding on to her tummy. “Are you okay mommy?” I ask.

“No honey. Not this time. Mommy has to go to the doctor when we all get back home,” she said.

“Are you going to die mommy.” I squeak and start crying. Daddy rocks me back and forth.

“No, mommy isn't dying. I won't die. My stomach just hurts is all. I'll be okay.”

“O-okay,” I nod.

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