Chapter 31: Evee and Levi: Our Firsts Together

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Evee’s P.O.V

I slept like the princess I am and woke up just as refreshed as I could be. It was better than being with Corrina. She was like a foster mother who mentally abused her children. What a bitch.

I got up and put my clothes back on… I forgot, this was my first night here and I didn't really have any change of clothes either besides the alcohol smelling ones. Speaking of, the alcohol probably set in deep. Have to wash now… but first, I'm hungry.

I went into the kitchen. I didn't see Levi around and I didn't really know if I could make food yet but I did anyway. I wonder if he ate breakfast? I should make some for him. I got started.

Mom always said to make hefty meals for others because you never know if they want more or not.

I heard the door open and saw these guys come in. Who the hell are they?

“Levi~ wake up,” the tallest one said.

I kept quiet. I didn't want my cover blown… well there really isn't a cover to begin with.

“Oh hey, who are you,” One of the others said.


“Evee? Is that short for Evelyn?”

‘No you jackass it's just Evee!!’ “No, it's just Evee.”

I put the food in the skillet that I was able to find hanging around… that was a joke… anyway the guy was standing next to me.

“So are you screwing Levi? You don't look his type and you're really short,” he said.

‘Short!! What about it?’ I didn't open my mouth.

“I'm kind of impressed with him. Hey if you aren't screwing him, I will definitely take you as a prized possession… I kid, I kid. I'm married.”

“Congratulations,” I said unamused.

“Pardon his utter rudeness. This here is Warren, he's something else. This is Beetle, we call him that because he collects beetles. Here we have Ghostface or Ghost for short. He's called that because he comes out of nowhere like a ghost. I'm Hunter. It's a pleasure to meet you. We're friends of Levi's,” he said.

“Oh… nice.”

“Guys he got the shotgun.” Ghost says.

“Whoever has the key to my house give it to me now,” Levi has a gun pointed at them. “I'm tired of you idiots bringing girls over! You are all Catfish!”

“Catfish? Whatever, you're being smart in your own mind again,” Hunter said.

One of them took out the key and handed it to Levi. “There, you happy,” Warren asked.

“No, move it! I’ll see you at work.” Levi glares.

“Oh man! I wanted to stay and have breakfast. Hey why is there a girl in your house anyway,” Warren asked.

“Mind your business young one, you have yet to learn about love lives,” Hunter replied.

The guys left. I wondered where Levi worked… I kept making the breakfast. Flipped it over. Levi put his gun away and walks behind me to make coffee. I just noticed he's not wearing a shirt!

‘Keep yourself calm Evee! You can do it. Just try to ignore it… but the body… no, no! You are in the process of cooking breakfast! FOCUS!!’ “Oh um… good morning,” I say.

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