Chapter 40: Can't Sleep

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One year later~

So-Mings P.O.V

My brother seemed to be growing faster than me. It's been a year it's like he's 6. It makes no sense to me! Yet he's only had like one birthday.

It was 4:04, I couldn't sleep. I'm sure mom won't mind me sleeping with her tonight. Dad is probably out on some Business with uncle Levi. I get out of my room and head over to moms.

In just a year Dad is again ruling and he got a bigger house! I love it! It's like its own town! I walk down the hall and open the door to her room.

“So-Ming, I take it you can't sleep either. Climb into bed, maybe we can try to get some sleep together.”

I close the door and climb right on the bed. I like mom's bed, it felt great. I hugged mom and snuggled into the bed. “I miss daddy.” I tell her.

She had her arms wrapped around me. “I miss him too.” She kissed my head and rubbed my back. I hold her arms to me. The door opened, I sniffed the air. It's Low. I frown, UGH!

“What's the matter Low? You can't sleep either,” mom asked him.

“No. Can I climb up with you?”

She scooted over so Low could have room to be on the other side. “Come on.”

“Low I was here first, I call dibs on mommy.” I held her arm to me.

“But I was here second,” he said rubbing his eyes and climbing on the bed.

“Now, now, be nice to each other,” mom said.

“Don't touch my side.” I held mom.

“Okay,” Low said and went to sleep.

“Already… I'm a little impressed,” mom said.

I put my head on mommy’s tummy and try to sleep. Mommy's stomach always makes funny noises. Sometimes it moves too.

She was rubbing my head softly. “Sweet dreams you two…”

The door opens again, This time it was DADDY! “Dad!” I screamed and ran to him. He looked tired. I stopped, he hated when I ran to him after being away for a long time in the old days.

“Go to bed.” He says and headed to the bathroom.

I climbed back to mom but he grabs my arm. “Your bed,” I look at Low. “Should I get Low then?” I ask.

“No, go to bed So-Ming.” He picked me up and put me outside his room.

Mom dropped her head down. She couldn't argue with dad. She mouthed, ‘I'm sorry.’

The door closed. I made my way back to my room. I am 12 I guess I am too big. I had a tutor to teach me now. Low was taught by mom so far but, when he turned 2 he would get a tutor too.

I turn on the light to my room and close the door. Without mom it would be hard to sleep. I looked at my Queen bed, green a black sheets with a dark gray fluffy cover. The pillow I had was nice and plush.

I get into bed and cover myself. I missed my old daddy.


Mia's P.O.V

I hated that I couldn't save So-Ming from being kicked out. Yes, she is getting older but she's still a kid.

I was watching Traffy move around. “How was work,” I asked.

“Difficult, nothing I couldn't handle.” He smiles at me and goes to take a shower.

Low was sleeping so soundly and peacefully but it isn't the same without So-Ming in here too. I didn't really do anything but wait for Traffy to come out. I couldn't sleep after all.

Low moved around a couple times to readjust his sleeping position but nonetheless he was sleepy.

After a quick 15 minutes shower Law came back out. He wore his gray shorts with a hoodie. “How is our son?”

“He's sleeping peacefully,” I answer.

“And my wife?”

“I'm good too.”

“Just good?” He asks getting into bed with me. “Because you made my week so much better already.”

I smile. “In that case I'm fantastic.”
He gave me a small kiss. He smells sweet like a woman… “You smell sweet.”

“Gee thanks, my body wash ran out, I had to use yours. Hope you don't mind.”

“Oh not at all. I have to go to the store tomorrow to get some things anyway,” I said.

“Oh good, I'll go with you. Tomorrow is my day off.” He puts his head on the pillows.

“Oh, sure,” I said. Low was moving again, he popped his head up.
“Mommy, you and daddy are talking too loud, I can't sleep...zzz…”


“Pass me my son.” He says.

I gave Low to him and sat up staring at him. My hands were resting on top of each other. I changed my glance to the door.

Law held him and gave him a small kiss on his head. He put him on his chest. Law touches my hand, “You alright?”

“Oh yes, just fine. I'm sorry if I'm making you worry,” I say. He looks at the door and frowns. “Is she outside the door?”

“No, I'm just glancing at the door, that's all,” I said.

“Lay down with us.” Law whispers.

“Okay.” I laid down on the pillows now but I would glance at the door every once in awhile. I finally stopped before Traffy asked any more questions.

“I love you.” He tells me.

“I love you too, and beyond what more could ever bring.”

“Impossible,” Law yawns and held me tightly. So tight it's as if he has me imprisoned.

“Traffy… this is a little tight but it's okay…”

He let go a little. “Goodnight babe.”

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