Chapter 70: Let's Run Away

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Alternate Universe Law

Luffy was jumping off the walls he told me a few minutes ago that he did get Honoka-ya pregnant. But they were expecting triplets.

Great. That's what we all need 3 more pure vampires running around. I went back to the library and read some dark novels.

I could sense Mia's presence. She was poking her head in the door. "... hi Lawly," she whispered.

"Something you need kitten?" I ask without looking at her, I flip the page.

"No," she said.

I set the book aside for a bit. I ship the chair around. "Would you like to sit in my lap?" I pat my legs.

She looked a little hesitant. "I don't want to do anything bad, but okay," she made her way over to me.

"You finished your queenly duties for the day?" I ask as she sat on my lap.

"Um, yeah for right now," she said. Her face was so cheerful.

I went back to reading my book. The character was currently trying to escape the prison with three other inmates.

What surprised me was that Mia was actually very quiet and still.

I placed my hand on her thigh and squeeze. She was very soft. I continued to read. I accidentally brushed my hands over her boobs as I flipped the page. She was very blessed in that area.

She got up and looked around for a book. "Oh, I like this one," she whispered. I thought she didn't read.

I felt her hands on my face. I turn my head to see Monet? How did she get in? "Miss me?" She licked her lips and smiled.

"You should leave before my girlfriend kills you." I move myself away from her.

"Aw boo, she's just your side chick. Don't worry I will be back." She waved and disappeared again. How annoying.

"Ooooohh Boooooyyy!!! It is starting to smell weird in this castle and I don't like it!!" Mia yelled.

"Lazy kitten," is all I say to her and go put my book up.

"Lawly, we have to watch Beauty and the Beast! Please," she begged. "It's my favorite movie."

"No." That was a childish movie. The only way I would take her to that was if afterwards, I would take her back to my place, and do whatever I pleased with her.

"Aww... fine," she left the library.

But she sure did quit a lot. Unless she was trying to guilt me to taking her...Nah.

I followed her out and head to our room. I mean her room.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!! WISMER!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!" She screamed.

Oh no, I enter and see her frantically looking for her bear. I look and see he is right where I left him, on the bookshelf. I tap my foot and wait for her to calm down.

"Lawly!!! Wismer is missing... eh... Why are you looking like that?"

"Your bear kitten. He's right here." I sigh and took Wismer and threw him at her.

"ACK! Lawly he's a baby, you can't throw him like that." She rubbed her face on his. "It's okay Wismer, daddy didn't mean to."

"Daddy? I'm not that things father!" I remembered my own daughter. I glare at Mia. "Don't."

She looked down and left from the room. Anything that had to do with me being father or husband...scared me. But, it's just a goddamn bear!

I need to stop overthinking. I huff and decide to apologize to Mia. "Mia, I'm sorry I blew it. I'll take you to that movie you wanted to see." I say.

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