Tionne- My Family

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It was about three something in the afternoon when seventeen year old Tionne walked up to her big two story five bedroom house that she shared with her parents and her brother Jarvis who came home whenever he felt like it. It was freezing outside and all she wanted to do was get inside and get warm. The smell of food hit her nose soon as she stepped through the door. Paris, her mother came from out the kitchen to greeted her soon as she walked in. "Hey baby how was school baby Paris asked as Tionne Kissing her soft warm cheek. She responded "It was cool,say ol' same ol'. I passed my test ".

Paris laughed "Oh God your lips are Cold" she said referring to the kiss her daughter had just planted on her face. "Of course mama it's freezing out them doors". Tionne headed to the kitchen to see what Paris was cooking. "Whatcha Cooking"?  "Baked Chicken, Macaroni and Cheese and Greens "Paris said stirring up the food in the pot. Tionne smiled hard as she watched her mother do her magic, she loved her mother's cooking especially when she made soul food. "Ard Ma ima go upstairs get changed and do my homework ill be back in a few" Tionne said before she dismissed her self from the kitchen leaving her mother.

When Tionne entered her bedroom she changed out of her school clothes and laid across her bed starting her work. Tionne was what you would call a good girl who made her parents proud. Nothing, but good grades she had brains and beauty, but she never let her beauty get to her head.

Later on:

Tionne was still in the same spot writing in her homework book when her father John entered her room. He smiled at her as he sat on the edge of her bed. Tionne returned the smile as she closed her book and focused on her father sitting before her. " You doing ya work"? John asked her still smiling. She nodded her head "I'm almost finish my essay for my English class". "I'm so proud of you baby girl and ya mama is also" he never stop smiling at her. "Thank you daddy". He looked away for a moment then back at her shaking his head but never removing the smile from his face.

"You know I wish ya brother would be more like you instead he's tryna be more like me". "I'm sure he'll get it together daddy,have you spoke to him today"? It was no secret that John's son was like the black sheep of the family. Either he was always in trouble or missing in action where they hadn't seen him in months.  "Earlier, I was tryna talk so sense in him but you know Jarvis he's a hard head" they both laughed. "Your right about that daddy he can be hard headed at times". "All the time babygirl"he still smiled. He continued "So how did ya last test go that we worked on"? A smile came across her face again "I aced it daddy". Them words made John proud even tho he knew she was gonna pass it anyway, He embraced her with a warm tight hug letting her know he was so proud of her.

The father and daughter chatted a little more about different topics before John stood to his feet. "Well baby girl daddy's gonna go out to the bar for a little while until dinner is done and then I'll be back" He said in a whisper voice. She knod her head with a smile "Does mom know"?  He chuckled while shaking his head "Nah,don't tell ya mama you know she hates when I drink and drive home" they both shared a laugh. He leans over and kissed her forehead "I'll see you when I come back I love you". "Love you to daddy" she said sitting up Indian style on her bed, loving every moment with her dad. He stood at the doorway of her bedroom giving her one last look "I'm proud of you baby girl" and with that he left the room Tionne knew she had a real father and he loved her mom,brother and her With all his heart.

Even though John was a street man he took care of family first. John was a Big time Kingpin and he knew every thing he needed to know about the streets, the ins and the outs. He had came from bottom up and made a name for himself that niqqas feared. The Streets knew John didn't take no shit from nobody, he was a real hustler. John never lost it in the game he would always be known for what he was, but he made the choice to slow his life down after his right hand man Timmy and his wife Nicki was murdered a few years ago. Not that he was scared because he wasn't he just thought he lived the street life since he was young and he knew the only way out was jail or death. For his family he chose to settle down and go the right way, he had enough saved up for his family to be good for the rest of their lives and people respected his decision to put his family first. His one mission had been the same for years and that was to find out who murdered his man's and Nicki.



"We really eating tonight boy" a corner boy said banging fist with Jarvis. Jarvis nodded his head and chuckled as he watched the block get live outta no where. The night air had hit but that didn't stop Jarvis and the rest of the corner boys make money. "These niqqa better bundle up it's a cold was winter"Jarvis rapped to himself with his hands in his bubble black coat. He couldn't deny it,he was cold as hell, but in his mind he was determined. Nothing was gonna slow Jarvis down from getting to the top of the drug game, all tho he didn't have to try to hard. Out of respect for his father street creditiablity, niggas knew not to step on his toes. The only thing Jarvis missed the most was the time spent with his family, when he would come home every night everybody would be knocked out. Sometimes he could go wake Tionne up and talk to her until she falls back to sleep, but that wasn't the case every night.

Even though he was 19 and Tionne was only 17 they had that brother and sister bond stronger than ever.  He hated the times that his missed spending with her and it killed him at times that he couldn't be around Tionne as much as he wanted, but he could't help it. He was addicted to the streets and the last thing he wanted to do was involve his baby sister in his mess. His thoughts were interrupted when a young man with nappy hair and ripped clothes and beat up shoes came walking up to him "Hey you got some more of that Fire you had earlier"? He man said almost begging while dugging at his rashed up skin. Jarvis shook his head yeah as him and the young man exchanged money for drugs. There were about four more that came after that and more after that, Jarvis knew for a fact he was coming home with his pockets loaded tonight just like any other night. He knew he had that dope shit and not a lot could top what he had.

John- At the bar:

After a couple drinks John was feeling a little tipsy and figured he had enough for the night.It was getting late and John knew he didn't make his way home now he was gonna hear it later so he went with his first instincts Walking out the bar to his truck he hit the alarm button to unlock his door. The street was not to busy just a couple people walking by Just as he was reaching for his truck door a deep voice came from behind him. "Yo john" He heard a male's voice come up behind him.

When John turned around he was face to face with a thick- tall masked man. As John stared down the barrel of a gun, he did what he akways done best, showed no fear. He knew some day his time would come, but he never thought it would be this soon. He thought he had respect in the streets and this was the first time he had to face something like this. Without another moment wasted the gun man said "Caught you slipping" and with that he shot John three in his chest causing John's lifeless body to drop flat on the ground. The masked man wasted no time running off into the night leaving the people out there ducking and scared for their lives. He was right for the first time someone had caught John skipping, One of them bullets had hit John in the heart ending his life instantly. When people realized it was John laying on the ground some rushed over to him while other stood shocked and crying. It was too late for John, he was gone forever leaving behind all his family he loved so dearly.


Jarvis was still posted on the block making his last bit of money for the night. He was so determined to go home with his pockets loaded and all his product gone. It didn't matter if he had to re-up in the morning just as long as all his drugs were gone tonight.  Jarvis was so bigheaded, he felt untouchable and nothing or nobody to steal his shine, not one bit. Little did he know he was about to have the worse awakening in his life. Some of the other corner boys were getting ready switch shifts with someone else, but Jarvis had other plans as them. He planned on staying out for a little while longer. These young niggas weren't Go Getta's like Jarvis were, they did shit to stunt, but Jarvis did his shit for a purpose. Rapping a Cassidy song as the cool air tickled his face, Jarvis bopped his head to the music, that was until his cell phone started to go off. "Yo....What.....Wait What You Mean....." he stopped in his tracks as he swallowed hard. At that moment his hands began to tremble and his body started to shake.Ending the phone call Jarvis covered his face as he kneeled down and let out an shrieking scream. He didn't care who was around him or who was watching him at the moment, his heart was aching. He couldn't believe the phone call he had just got, but the hardest thing was to explain this to his family the news he had just received.


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