Can't Lose Him

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                                 Back at the house, Nasir, Pappi, Janay, and Tionne sat in the living room watching the movie Booty Call on the flat screen television plastered on the wall. Baby Brandon laid comfortable sleep in his sleeping chair down by Tionne's feet. They all were laughing at the part with Jamie Foxx and Vicki Foxx getting it on in the hospital room. Nasir laughed out loud as he and Pappi went back focusing on counting the money on the living room table which equal up to 120,000 so far with some much more sitting there uncounted. At that moment Tionne felt safe and loved as her head laid rested on Nasir's lap while he counted the fifties, hundreds and twenties. They were interrupted when Nasir's cell phone started to ring on the table, he picked it up and lowered his eyes at the name that was popping up on his I.D. Knowing his mind wasn't playing a trick on him, he looked up at Tionne who was now sitting up next to him with a even more confused face. To be honest at that moment nobody but Nasir knew who was calling his phone... but why?? Deciding not to play any games and figure out why he answered his phone, putting it on speaker.

Calmly he spoke as he placed the phone down on the table as he picked up his stack of money he was once counting "Yo".
"Nice to hear from you again" Daniel spoke through the speaker. Tionne frowned her face up as she glanced at Pappi and Janay who were both wearing the same expression as her to why Daniel was calling Nasir.
Nasir chuckled and shook his head "You never heard from me unless it was conducting business which we both know that's been done and over with so wassup"?
Daniel said " It's just nice to hear from an old friend". What was funny was that Daniel actually thought him and Nasir were good friends before he took Tionne from him. 
Just then Nasir got serious, he sat up close to the table near the phone so he could make his statement clear cause he was only saying this one time and one time only "Nigga quit bullshitting you know damn well we were never friends now why the fuck is you hitting my phone". 

The fact that Daniel had the audacity to call his number after all the shit he caused. The fact that he put Tionne and Janay through all the pain he put them through pissed Nasir off every time he thought about it. Not to mention the news he got from his old G about what really happened to his parents was eating him up. Now being a new father and making a promise to Tionne to stay out of trouble he had to think of how he was gonna get revenge out on Daniel without her knowing. One thing Jacob taught him was to never let another man do his dirty work if he ever had to murder a nigga and he wasn't there to cover his own traces because if shit hit the fan the last thing he wanted was for him to go down for a muthafucka being sloppy and snitching.

Daniel began to laugh through the phone, but Nasir cut him off with his deep voice " Fuck do you want"? That caused Daniel to stop laughing and pause in the phone. "Ok... Ok" Daniel said as he paused again then spoke up " You took something from me so I took something from you".
By now the whole room grew quiet and concerned with what Daniel was talking about " Nigg fuck is you talking about"? Nasir asked in an impatient voice. He was tired of the games that Daniel was playing on the phone and at any minute he felt like hanging up on him.
"How about you ask Tionne, She would know because it's the last thing that meant something to her. She was my family I did everything for her and since she left me I've been going crazy ... so I took her last piece of the family she had left".
Tionne swallows hard as his words hit her like a bullet to the heart " Jarvis" she mumbled out before covering her mouth in shock. Pappi, Janay, and Nasir all looked at her as shocked expression hit their faces, he all added up. Jarvis was supposed to be back hours ago and he still wasn't home, the fear that Tionne was feeling in her heart was excruciating.

Daniel continued " You took Tionne from me so I took Jarvis from her". As bad as she wished it was a joke, she knew by far everything that was coming from grimy Daniel's mouth was true. Tears hit Tionne's eyes as she listened to the devil himself speak viciously " Tionne meant everything to me and then you showed up and tried to be captain save a hoe. I'm aware of how much Jarvis means to her so my question to you is how much does both of them mean to you"?
Tionne's body began to shiver and shake as sat there silent with tears trickled down her now red face. Nasir noticed the state she was in and reach for the phone, but she spoke up causing him to freeze " No, Don't you take that phone off speaker" she said as she sat there in a daze.

Janay got up and rushed over to her. She reached to grabbed Tionne's arm, but not before she had snatched back away from her " Don't" Tionne managed to say. She didn't wanna be touched at all, all she wanted was for this to be a joke and her brother come walking through that door.
Daniel spoke " I'll give you Jarvis for Tionne's life. If you disagree I can kill his ass right now and get it over with". And with that, he hung up the phone not even waiting for an answer from Nasir. At this point, Daniel felt like he was king again and untouchable.

He knew Tionne was gonna do whatever to save her brother and that's where he would have her back in his reach. Truth be told he was over her, she was old to him now because he knew even if he took her back from Nasir her heart and body would never be his volunteerly.  He had another plan set for both her and her brother and In his mind, it was only a matter of time before he got her where he wanted her to be and the word and pictures that she was dead. He made a call to G to make sure the plan had still gone as it was supposed to and to his surprise G confirmed that his hands were ready to get dirty, shit was about to come through and get real and in the end, only The best man wins.

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