Payback Is A Bitch

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      Thomas and Mike just came out the carry out from getting their food. It was Eleven at night, they about to pick their cut from Daniel and head to a hotel til the morning. Thomas put his seat belt on and glanced over at Mike who was ready to dig in his platter and laughed. 

"Damn nigga can't you wait til we get to the room"? Thomas shook his head at Mike being greedy and impatient.
Mike looked at Thomas with low eyes and burst out in laughter, not to mention they had smoked to blunts before they ordered their food. " Nigga I'm hungry...we just killed some niggas it time to eat and relax" Mike said, After they left Nasir's club they both were so sure they just bodied the two niggas Daniel set the hit out for.
Thomas then started digging in his pocket for the car key when they looked up and noticed two masked men walking in front the car coming from different directions. Mike squinched his eyes and leaned up closer " What the fuck"? he whispered. When Mike realized it was a set up he started to panic "  Oh shit yo... start the car... start the fucking car" he yelled.

But by the time Thomas reached for the ignition shots were flying through the windows hitting both Thomas and Mike all over their bodies. The masked men empty both their clips  sending their last shots to both Thomas and Mike's head killing them instantly before they ran off into the night. The masked men ran up to a getaway Blue Camry and Jarvis pulled off fast. The masked male in the front with Jarvis removed his masked and reveal he was Nasir while Pappi removed his in the back seat. And just like that it was token care of and done with now they could go back to their normal lives until they came up with what they was gonna do with Daniel's snake ass. But they had to be cautious with him because he also had dirty undercover cops on his side so what ever they did they had to be smart about it.

         Daniel sat in his office looking at the time, he was expecting the two hitmen and been waiting for them for about three hours now. He called both their phone but got no answer and he didn't understand what was keeping them so long. Not only that but he had another young hitta that just joined his team too that was sitting in front of him waiting to meet the two hitmen. Just then one of his guards walked through the door with a long face causing him look up at him weirdly.

"What's the problem"? Daniel asked. 
"Both Thomas and Mike found dead in their truck tonight" The guard said in a sad voice because he was the one who introduced them to Daniel and now they dead.
Daniel slammed his hand on the desk as anger filled his body, he felt like he couldn't win for losing with Nasir and em and he was really losing patience. He looked over at the young mixed boy who happened to be in his early twenties sitting in front of him " You ready G"? 
" Born ready" G said as he stood to his feet and left out the office without saying another word. G's name rang bells in these streets so he knew for a fact this job would be done and done right. Daniel's main intentions was to get Tionne back, he was lost without her and the sooner she come back the better.

         Tionne wobbled to the bed, holding on to her stomach with her eyes on Nasir. She was now due any day and the closer the days got the more nervous she became. The tiny life growing inside of her had brought so much joy to her life, she was thankful everyday that god had finally let her see the peaceful part of her life. Nasir grabbed her by the arm pulling her body on top his as he laid back on the bed.

"What's up baby" he said smiling as he rapped his arms around her waist.
"Stop Nasir i'm fat" she said giggling, trying to pry his hands off her and lift up. Nasir grabbed her waist tighter and pulled her back down.
"Stop talking dumb... you not fat babe".
" Yes i am" She said pouting. He looked her directly in her eyes and pecked her lips softly before flipping her over on her back, he laid next to her and rubbed her  round belly.
" I can't wait til he's born mane" he said still rubbing her stomach.
She smiled " Me either... he's gonna be so spoiled".
"You nervous baby"? he asked looking up at her.
She nodded her head " Yeah i am but i know im gonna be okay... i have faith on it".
He nodded " I do too...we gonna have a healthy baby boy and believe me im'a be by ya side all the way babe... i love you".
She smiled again flashing her pearly white teeth " I love you to baby" she said rubbing the side of his face before he planted a kiss on her hand.



Days Later:

It was going on Eight at night, Janay sat in the living room watching TV with a Zane book in her hand and a glass of red wine. She was in relax mode after the busy day her and Tionne had with the baby's last minute shopping and even she was in bed relaxing. Nasir and Pappi were out handling business with Jacob and wasn't due to be home for a couple more hours. Janay was taking a sip of her wine when she noticed Tionne slowly wobbling in the living room with a frown on her face and her hand gripping her belly.

"You okay boo"? Janay asked.
Tionne shook her head no as tears formed in her eyes. " Time" was all that came out of her mouth making Janay look at her confused. "Time for what"? Janay asked unaware of the condition as she took another sip of her wine.
Tears rolled down Tionne's face "My water broke" her voice trembled. The wine that Janay had just sipped spit through her lips when she heard them words, She jumped up and disappeared out the living room only to come back in seconds with her car keys and purse. 
" Im'a call Nas when we get to the car but right now i need you to breath and try to relax" Janay instructed in the most calmest voice. She could tell Tionne was panicking and that was the last thing she wanted her to do, she been through this before so she knew the stages of keeping Tionne as comfortable as possible. Tionne took a deep breath and grabbed a hold of Janay's hand as they left the house.

 Janay speeded down the highway trying to get to the hospital as face as she could. Causally she would glance over at Tionne to see her panting and doing her breathing methods. More tears rolled down her eyes as the pain got sharper, but some how she was managing the pain. It was the fact that fear was taking over her body more than the pain. All she wanted was for the baby to come out healthy with no complication, reguardless she knew Janay was by her side and Nasir, Jarvis and Pappi were on their way. 
She looked over at Janay and took a deep breath " Am I gonna be okay? I'm scared". Janay looked over at Tionne and wiped her tears before putting her hands back on the wheel " Baby girl your gonna be fine... your doing so good". Tionne nodded her head and looked back out the window as they pulled up to the emergency room.

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